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It depends on the airline and your Dr. Most airlines require a note from your Dr stating that you are healthy enough for travel and that you are not likely too go into labor in a 72 hour window around your flight starting at 26 weeks.

Check with your airline and your Dr before booking your flight.

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Q: Is it ok for a 7 months pregnant woman to travel on a plane?
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Is it healthy for a pregnant woman to travel?

I don't think plane travels will affect the baby, but a pregnant woman should not stress.

Is a woman pregnant for nine or ten months?

A woman is pregnant for nine months.

Is it save for a 7month's pregnant woman to fly for 2 and half hour's flight?

Unless her doctor does not permit travel by plane, yes it is.

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A woman is pregnant for averagely 10-12 months.

Can a nine months pregnant woman travel through coach for four hours?

haha i dunno. it's possible, depending on the woman's energy. But most women who are 9 mths pregnant normally rest for their delivery and because they are tired and sometimes cranky. Most pregnant women just wanna rest at 9 mths pregnant.

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The pregnant woman should consult her physician for specific advice.

Can you look at a woman and tell she is pregnant?

Not for the first months, no. Later on it depends on the woman. Not everyone is alike.

Can an unmarried pregnant woman move out of Pennsylvania?

Yesh. But She Cant Go By Plane. Pregnant Women Cant Go On Planes.

Is there Images of a woman 2 months pregnant?

try google..:P

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A woman is usually pregnant for about 9 months, so you decide.

In what trimester is one when being pregnant for 4 months?

When a woman is 4 months pregnant, she is considered to be in the second trimester. A typical pregnancy lasts 9 months with each trimester 3 months long.