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Q: Is it ok for chickens to drink anything besides water?
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Can dogs drink anything else besides water?

yes puppies can drink milk dogs also drink tea! from, katerinne newtest3

What do ladybirds eat that you eat?

They don't eat anything that we humans eat. Besides they do drink water because all living things drink water.

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Is there anything else Fire Bellied Toads can drink besides water?

Nope - that's the only fluid they would drink in their natural environment - so never give them anything else !

Is there anything else Fire Bellied Toads can drink besides water that will make it less skinny?

Put crickets in the blender:)

Is there anything else besides juice or water to help rehydrate one self after having the Norovirus Flu?

No, those are the best things to drink. Avoid anything with caffeine though.

Can you find photosynthesis in any drink besides water?

Its not found in any drink.

What do monkeys drink besides water?

There's only one type of water.

What happens when you don't drink a lot of water besides dehydration?

you save water

What drink do people drink in Madagascar?

"Ranonapongo" is the most common drink in Madagascar besides Coffee and water.

What can i do with a new tongue piercing and how do i keep it clean?

You should use an alcohol free mouthwash after you eat or drink anything besides bottled water. Keep ice on it and use ibuprofen to reduce swelling. You should not do anything with it while it is healing besides keeping it clean, and in your mouth.

What is a good drink to repace cokes besides water?

There are a few different drinks you can drink besides coke and water. You can try drinking juices, Sun-drop, Pepsi, RC and Mountain Dew.