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Q: Is it ok for puppies to eat popsicles?
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Is it ok for dogs to eat lots of afterbirths?

It is natural for the mother to eat the afterbirth while cleaning her new puppies.

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What would eat puppies?

If the some of the puppies are stillborn, the mother may eat any them. If there are no stillborns, nothing will eat the puppies. ~

Can popsicles freeze your brain?

yes , if you eat the whole thing at once

Is it safe for dogs to eat Popsicles?

No it's not a good idea to feed you dog junk food, he doesn't need to eat everytime you eat.

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Eat Popsicles until you die

Does Nick Jonas eat puppies?

No, He does not eat puppies, just the souls and minds of children.

Is it normal for a chihuahua to eat her puppies at birth?

No it is not normal for chihuahua to eat its puppies at birth

Why do dalmatians eat there own puppies?

all dogs eat their own puppies if the puppies have the human scent on them , that's why its important not to touch the puppies for at least 2 days

The mother dog just ate one of her dead puppies is it ok for her to nurse the other puppies?

NO it is not okay separate the puppies from the mother. Yes, just like a human mother they eat food, they get more milk and for the mother dog she gets twice more milk in her breasts

Why do female shih tzu eat there puppies?

sad question, but no. Thankfuly, they dont eat their puppies. :)