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No, he may have ticks or fleas. You can take him to the vet OR gently dip a rag in unflavored listerine mouthwash and gently wipe him off.

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Q: Is it ok for your hamster to be scratching constintly?
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If my Hamster has been scratching on the side of the cage in the same spot Does this mean anything?

no my hamster dose the same and so dose my friends

Is it ok for a black bear hamster to mate with a golden hamster?

yes it's ok, they are both hampsters.

What is the meaning when the hamster is scratching its body always?

It might mean that the hamster has mites, especially if it is scratching patches of fur off. It could also possibly be an allergic reaction, make sure your wood shavings and bedding are hamster specific - you should not use sawdust for example. You should take it to the vet if it continues.

Is it ok if a syrain hamster and a normal hamster are in the same cage?

No they will fight.

How can you tell if the heat is making your hamster sick?

your hamser may be pacing about its cage or scratching a lot

Why would your hamster be scratching his ear raw?

Fleas! Or an ear infection, if it's in the inner ear.

Your hamster died is he ok?

He died?!?!?!??!?!

Is it ok for a hamster to have cinnamon?

No do not feed it that.

How will you know of your hamster has fleas?

If you can tell what your hamster looks like when it is cleaning itself you will be able to tell if it has fleas because it will be scratching itself more than you have ever seen it do.

What does it mean if your hamster has balls hanging from its bum?

It means that your hamster has his balls and that's ok.

Is it ok ot put a cardboard tube In with hamster?

Yes although the hamster might naw on it

Is it ok if your hamster sleeps in her tube?

ya, that is fine.