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I have tried all types of head wear when walking to and from my car , and they either blow off when windy or they let the rain soak through.So one day my wife suggested I try wearing a rain bonnet , but I was not happy with the idea of wearing one with white spots on.So my wife bought me one that was clear pvc with black edging and had a visor , and also extended over the back of my coat collar and I have worn it ever since.I have never had any negative responses from anyone so far , and I have worn one for two years.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 3y ago
I am a 53 year old male and I think they are very practical. I bought mine on line from Amazon and it Β is called Miles Kimball plastic rain bonnet.
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βˆ™ 1w ago

It is ultimately up to you and your husband to decide what is acceptable within your relationship. If both of you are comfortable with it and it's not causing harm, then it is okay. Communication and mutual respect are key.

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Q: Is it ok for your husband to wear your plastic rain bonnet?
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Can granite wear away from acid rain?

Yes, granite can wear away from acid rain over time. The acidic components in the rain react with the minerals in the granite, causing erosion and eventually wearing away the surface of the rock. This process is known as chemical weathering.

Is there acid rain in the desert?

Acid rain can occur in desert regions if there are sources of air pollution nearby. Desert areas with mining or industrial activities may experience acid rain due to the release of pollutants into the atmosphere, which can then be carried by wind and precipitation.

Why do forensics wear a plastic white suit?

Forensics wear a plastic white suit, known as a Tyvek suit, to protect themselves from contamination and to prevent leaving their own DNA or other evidence at a crime scene. The suit also helps in preserving evidence and maintaining a sterile environment during forensic investigations.

What are credit cards made of?

Credit cards are typically made of plastic, specifically PVC (polyvinyl chloride) or a similar type of plastic material. Some credit cards may also contain additional materials like metal for special designs or features. The plastic used is durable, flexible, and can withstand everyday wear and tear.

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Reclosable plastic bags can typically be reused multiple times, depending on factors such as the quality of the bag, how well it is cared for, and what it was used to store. It is best to inspect the bag for signs of wear, such as tears or stretching, and wash it thoroughly between uses to ensure safe and effective storage. When the bag starts showing signs of wear or damage, it is recommended to replace it.

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Can men wear rain bonnets?

Yes they can , I have worn one for over two years. I wear one that is clear PVC with black trim and has a visor , it also extends over the back of my coat collar preventing rain from going down the back of my neck. I bought it from Amazon and it is called Dream Rain Bonnet.

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Yes. She didn't wear one all of the time, just occasionally.

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WHAT DOES THE NAME BONNIE MEAN:well then name bonnie came from the word bonnet... well let me tell you this true story. IN THE 1956'S THERE WAS A GIRL WHO ALWAYS USED TO WEAR A BONNET AND WE FOND OUT THAT HER NAME WAS BONNIE SO THAT'S HOW WE DISCOVERED THE NAME BONNIE! anyway the name bonnie is a Greek word it means bonnet in Greek. so if you do not wear a bonnet WEAR ONE!made by:krysta s. i

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You can wear a shirt, boot, suit, bonnet, belt or jacket. They end with the letter t.

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What is something you wear that starts with B?

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