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If a mother rabbit is stepping over or around it's litter of babies, they should be okay. If the mother is acting aggressive or neglectful, it might not be okay. Sometimes a mother rabbit is not ready to accept a litter of babies, and she will kill them. If she is very young she sometimes does not have the ability to care for the newborns, and she will kill them. I had a rabbit who did this once. It is nature's way. If you think the newborns are in danger, you can remove them from the mother and try feed and care for them yourself. If they are very young you may be unsuccessful. Try calling a responsible animal store, or your local vet for advice. Some shelters have people who are very well trained in these situations also. You will know if the babies are in true danger. Good luck.

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Q: Is it ok that a mother rabbit is stepping on her its or will this kill them?
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What do you do if mother rabbit bites her babies?

If the mother rabbit dies take care of the baby rabbit like its motherfeed it the baby rabbit food.If the mother dies before babies are weaned you can get baby kitten milk replacer and a kitten baby bottle and feed the babies. IT IS A REALLY HARD JOB. The babies must be fed and then stimulated to go to the bathroom and then cleaned up just as the mother rabbit would do. (you can also feed them canned goat milk, I say canned because not too many people have a fresh goat on hand.)If the baby is old enough to be eating rabbit pellets you are OK, just give the baby extra grass hay and plenty of water (maybe put electrolyes made for rabbits in the water.)

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no, because the rabbit will nibble at it then it will get poorly and may die

Does only the daddy bunny kill them?

no mummy rabbits will as well but only if there a little loopy in the head or if the baby bunny is going to die anyway but try and not get a rabbit that is innterbreeded and you will by fine ok luv Kc xxx