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Dogs when undomesticated and years ago, lived in packs, hunted, killed and ate their prey. There are still packs of wild dogs today, doing much the same thing. Humans also eat raw beef. That's what they call beef tartar in high class restaurants.

Is it OK for Fido to eat raw beef? It probably wouldn't kill him, but domesticated dogs have gotten used to dry dog food or canned dog food, which is usually cooked. Most likely, it would make ol' Fido, "sicker than a dog". He wouldn't have the digestive system tuned in to raw meat and you'd probably get it back a few minutes later, if you catch my drift.

Unless I lived on a cattle farm where he might get an occasional piece of raw beef every few days as a regular part of his diet, I'd stay away from giving him any. Then again, there's always the question of other items in the beef, or living in the beef which could be harmful to the animal. (Especially raw pork. Trichinosis, for example.)

Technically, yes, if accustomed to it, dogs eat and have eaten raw meats for eons. And if he occasionally snags a bit o' raw hamburger from the cookout when you're not looking, it may or may not make him sick. Depends on the dog, his size and normal diet. That's why when you change the brand or style of dog food, say canned from dry, etc., it's always best to wean them over by mixing in a little of the new with the old and increasing the ratio until they're completely changed over to the new.

Feeding Raw Meaty Bones to Carnivores

Dogs cannot digest carbohydrates, they are carnivores. They don't have molars as humans do. They have four large canines which are used to tear and rip food. When a dog eats kibble there is nothing to tear and rip and the dog's jaw doesn't get the proper exercise it needs. Most dogs wolf down their kibble because they have no teeth to grind it up with.

When you switch from kibble to raw, do it cold turkey. Don't mix a little of kibble and a little of raw or alternate meals. Stop kibble and leave 12 hours between the time you switch to raw. Start with the easiest to digest of meats, chicken. Chicken hindquarters work best for most medium to giant breed dogs. Smaller breeds or certain medium breeds may require different parts of chicken. Cut off all skin and fat for the first couple of days. Some sensitive dogs require skin and fat removed for a week.

Feed less than what you dog needs when you first start off. You figure 2% of their ideal adult weight. When they are adjusted to raw feeding adjust accordingly from 2 to 3% of their ideal adult weight. Do weekly body checks, can you feel their ribs? Do you see a waist when looking down on your standing dog?

Check your dog's feces to decide when to add back the skin and fat. Check it to decide when to give more food than 2%. Our dogs had no loose feces from the switch over. We followed the recommended switch over from kibble to raw. From what I've read, the dogs which have the most problems are owners who've fed raw and kibble in one day. Also dogs switching from kibble with grain in it.

Don't feed raw ground meat to your dog. Always feed the whole meat. For instance, feed round steak minus the bone. Ideally, you'd feed this with a bone meal such as beef ribs.

Never feed weight bearing bones such as round bones when you feed raw meaty bones. The reason is a dog can break its teeth on them because they jaws become more powerful the longer they eat raw meaty bones.

More information about feeding raw feeding dogs search for raw meaty bones or raw feeding dogs.

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13y ago
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16y ago

Dogs do well on meat, raw or cooked. Make sure that the raw meat is from a source you would trust, if it is safe for you to eat it is safe for your dog. Feeding a lot of raw meat if the animal is not used to it can upset the stomach. So don't overfeed if you are not sure how the dog will handle it. More information: According to the link below, commercially sold raw meat products have a higher bacterial content than an animal that is freshly killed by a dog. Therefore they are less safe for feeding to dogs, even though dogs are carnivores, and meats that have been ground, such as hamburger, can have this bacteria all through them, while other meats that have not been ground would only have the bacteria on the surface.

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12y ago

Yes, of course.

Feeding a dog a diet of raw meat, organs and bones is said to be incredibly beneficial to the the animal, and with limited risk. Raw meat is easier to digest than cooked meat, as they are perfectly adapted to eat raw meat, organs and even bone and to digest it all quickly and efficiently.

Dogs are carnivores. Fresh, raw meat, organ and bone provides them with all the nutrition they need. Cooked meat, in comparison, has little to no nutrients in it as all the nutrients are easily destroyed when the meat is cooked or even heated for a short period of time.

Dogs are able to eat a lot more things than humans without getting sick. However, dogs can suffer from intestinal worms and other parasites, which do occasionally turn up in the US despite first world health inspection. It is probably less likely for your dog to contract a parasite from meat bought from a butcher or Organic farm than from meat that you hunted and brought home from Alaska.

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14y ago

Not pork. Not chicken. A little raw beef is good for him. Believe it or not, it helps keep their teeth white. The meat creates an enzime in their stomach and when they burp the enzime gets on their teeth and makes the tarter fall off.

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12y ago

Contrary to popular belief, feeding a dog a diet of raw meat, organs and bones is said to be incredibly beneficial to the the animal, and with limited risk. However, creating a nutritionally complete diet takes a lot of research in order to get the balance right.

Dogs have evolved to digest raw meat. Even our furry friends are not all that different from their wild cousins; they are all perfectly adapted to eat raw meat, organs and even bone and to digest it all quickly and efficiently. Fresh, raw meat provides them with all the nutrition they need. Cooked meat, in comparison, has little to no nutrients in it as all the nutrients are easily destroyed when the meat is cooked or even heated for a short period of time. It is highly advisable to never feed cooked meat as part of a dog or cat's diet as this will not provide your pet with the nutrients it needs and can cause severe health problems.

What about bacteria? Dogs are carnivores. They need meat in their diet. The canine digestive system is not like ours; their stomach and intestines quickly break down the meat, organ and bone to the molecular level and absorb them, and the leftover parts are expelled as waste. Meat does not stay in the animal's intestines long enough to allow harmful bacteria to grow and harm it. In comparison, a human's digestive system is much, much slower and food spends most of its time in the gut where the food is processed. This allows harmful bacteria to multiply which makes us vulnerable to salmonella and ecoli.

Harmful bacteria such as salmonella can and has been found in processed pet foods - causing brands to recall their products. While raw has a small risk (as with feeding all foods), you can control where the meat you feed your pet comes from and greatly limit the chance of buying contaminated food.

Many commercially-processed meats are full of bacteria due to the animals kept in cramped and unsanitary conditions which is never a good idea to feed raw. If you wish to feed raw to your cat or dog, Organic or Free Range meat is the safest choice as the meat would have come from hormone-free animals kept in sanitary conditions. Freezing the meat for several weeks will help kill off any parasites.

Always practice safe food handling techniques when handling ANY raw meat - whether it is for you or your pet. It might be advisable to take extra care with very young, very old or dogs with compromised immune systems.

The benefits are said to far outweigh any small risk:

  • Glossy coats, healthy skin, bright eyes.
  • Teeth & gums are kept healthy and free of plaque as the chewing action rubs off any plaque and keeps the blood flow in the gums active.
  • Allergies & sensitive stomachs can become non-existant as raw food is not packed with cheap filler such as grain or corn.
  • Smaller/less frequent bowel movements that do not smell as much compared to some cats and dogs on commercial diets.
  • Many cats are fussy eaters, and many cats and dogs will just gulp down their food. Raw food stops that, as they have to work at the meat to get mouth-sized pieces. Pets that quickly get bored of their food rarely get bored of raw as the taste and texture is different for every meal.
  • It has been said that a raw-fed dog is rarely hyperactive. Instead, they have a healthy amount of energy. This also has said to help behaviour problems with adolescent dogs and are much easier to solve the issues due to the lack of hyperactivity.
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9y ago

Raw pork is generally considered to be unacceptable due to the potential for trichinosis, otherwise raw meat diets, including beef are popular for dogs and have some definite potential health benefits when done correctly.

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15y ago

it is not safe to feed your dog raw meat he/she will be ill(sick)!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Q: Is it safe to feed raw meat to dogs?
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Would you eat raw meat? Probably not, therefore there is no need to feed any dog raw meat. It can contain bacterias and organisms that can be very harmful and even deadly to dogs. Even though not all raw meat is bad for humans, dogs have a very different immune system than humans and may succumb to the deadly effects of different germs.

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Actually the dogs eat meats such as raw beef, raw bear meat, raw rat meat, and raw beast meat

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Dogs eat raw meat but not chicken, rabbit or fish. Also dogs will not eat chicken (undead) or raw beef (undead). Warning: if you have your pet out when you lose your membership, you will lose your puppy!

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Toast is ok for an occasional treat, but it is not a great idea to feed every day for breakfast. Dogs do best on meat and vegetables, raw meaty bones, raw chicken necks and wings and meat based products

How much raw meat to feed a 90 pound dog?

Unless you are planning on cooking it, i wouldn't feed a dog raw meat.

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Raw meat is a dog's natural food. Other than the important fact that your dog can pick up bacteria and harmful parasites such as the tapeworm from eating raw meat from some sources, nothing happens if you feed a dog raw meat. Doing that will not change their temperament. The claim that feeding a dog raw meat will make it meaner is an old wives tale.

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Can you feed raw meat to your dog?

No, Raw meat is bad for every living thing, especially puppies. If you give your puppie/dog raw meat it will probably die. Please do not let this happen. Another answer Raw meat is not bad for every living thing, and your dog will not die if you feed it raw meat, as long as the meat has not gone bad. It is probably not wise to feed your puppy nothing but raw meat. It requires a balanced diet if you want it to grow up strong and healthy. But, many animals exist on raw meat diets, wild cats for instance. They are the ultimate carnivores and live almost strictly on meat. Wild dogs eat raw meat etc.

What did people feed their dogs before commercial dog food?

Table scraps, raw meat, bones left over and food leftover.