

Is it ok to give a guinea pig over dated food?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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no i would not try it

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Q: Is it ok to give a guinea pig over dated food?
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How are guinea pigs used all over the world?

Guinea pigs originated in South America as food.

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yes they can ive fed my guinea pigs that for over a year

Can male guinea pigs fight?

Yes, usually over food, water, or territory.

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How do you know when a guinea pig wants food?

A guinea pig is a rodent that belongs to the family called caviidae. One way to tell if the guinea pig is getting enough water is if the guinea pig can reach the tip of the water bottle easily without having to stand on their hind legs.

Does Ginny pigs get lifeless if it over eats?

No! Guinea Pigs likes to eat food all the time.It is a good sign of health.A Guinea Pig that is not eating maybe sick and should be checked by a vet.Guinea Pigs should have unlimited hay in their diet.You should not give your Guinea pig too much treats and pellets.But,they should have hay all the time.

Why does your guinea pig tip his food bowl upside down?

If the food is quite less, than the guinea pig wants more. My guinea pigs tip out their bowl because they've eaten all the yummy bits, but hate the left overs. I suggest getting a heavier bowl for him.

What is the political unit that french guinea had sovereignty over?

French Guinea became the Republic of Guinea in 1958. France has no authority over the Republic of Guinea.

What are the main things guinea pigs can eat?

Guinea pig pellets, lettuce, carrots, cherries, any type of fruit really, bananas, bell peppers.

Why does my hamster chatter it's teeth when just I come near it's cage?

It's probably because it wants food and it's learned you give it to him. I have guinea pigs and they do exactly the same thing. Be careful not to over feed him though, they can be greedy :)

Why do your guinea pigs fight when breeding?

guinea pigs can fight over territories, food, toys,mates, or if they just dont care for each other.

Are guinea pigs in any way eaten as food in the countries of Spain Andorra or France?

Of course. Guinea pigs have been raised as food for thousands of years in most South American countries. Spanish speaking South Americans migrating continued guinea pig farming all over the world. Guinea pigs are very easy to breed, raise and cook. In France, dressed and cleaned Guinea pigs are usually found in shops specializing in horse meat. I have a guinea pig and I believe that that is not truwe