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It's absolutely fine. It just means your growing up.

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Q: Is it ok to sperm twice a day for a 13 year old?
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Yes, Any aged sperm is

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Twice should be enough.

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A one year old should not be having sugar everyday. It is bad for his/ her health. A one year old can have sugar about once or twice a week, and not too much.

A boy is 5 years old and his sister is twice as old. When the boy is 8 years old how old will his sister be?

Depends on the day this would be considered and when their birthdays are to get technical, but if it is the same day of the year 3 years later then she is 13.

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subtract the this year and the year of the year the car is. Twice as old as half of it.

What is a good feeding schedule for a 1 year old dog?

if its a bigger than a lab and greedier twice a day one average sized cup of food each time. if its a smaller dog once a day. add water for both

Your age is 14 you sperm everyday is that dangeorous for you?

It is not dangerous to ejaculate every day. Most 14 year old boys do it daily if not more.

How much sperm does a 16 year old have...Will my body produce more?

You can ejaculate 2-3 times a day, every day with no problem. Your body will keep producing sperm for practically your whole life, well into your 70's and probably longer.