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You really shouldn't because that can change ur relationship with that person

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Q: Is it ok to tell a serect someone else told you?
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you just tell her like me i liked my best friend and she liked someone else but i told her i loved her&i wanted to date her then it turned out we dated for a year! (:

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You need ton confront the person you were kissing (if you were in fact kissing them) & ask them if they are dating someone else; if they are, leave them alone. If they're not, tell them that someone (don't mention names) told you that they were dating someone & you just wanted to ask for reassurance.

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Tell them the truth or else someone else is gonna tell him and then he is gonna have a girlfriend be honest with him if he doesn't like you still like him or look gourgous for him and bring food to school he will be all over you boys like to eat

In sixth grade I think someone likes me but I like someone else What do I do?

Just suck it up and tell them that you like someone else. That's what most people hate. I wouldn't be as offended if someone that I like told me that. If you keep it a secret, it's only going to get worse.

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Tell them that there's someone else that you met

How do you tell if your girlfriend kissed someone else?

You can't tell if she kissed someone else enless someone told you she did or if you saw it. If she starts loosing interest in you majorly then sit down and talk about why, if she is defense she may be cheating or thinks she simply likes someone else, she might be going through a rough time. However, if there's lots of trust in your relationship and she really loves you you shouldn't have to worry.

How do you tell someone you love another?

Just tell them you love them. You gotta do it before someone else does. Ive done it, and me and my bf were together for almost 8 months, he told me he loved me first though, but i told him after, so yeah Answer Find a kind way to tell him or her and let them find the one who will love and appreciate him/her.