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Yes it's okay for 13 year old to use tampons or whatever else they want during soccer or any other activity they want to do on their period. Tampons are not recommended to teens due to increased risks of TSS so you need to make sure you understand the risks and how to use tampons correctly to reduce risks. You may want to consider using safer more reliable options like menstrual cups.

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13y ago

yes, of course it is!

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Q: Is it okay for a 13 year old to wear a tampon during soccer?
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Yes, you can wear a tampon after urinating. Everyone urinates at some point, and urine comes out of your urethra not your vagina, so I'm not sure why you would think that you'd not be abel to wear a tampon after urinating.

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Yes, there is no harm in using a pad or tampon during treatment for chlamydia.

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You need to weAR A tampon. Or if your not sure if a tampon will protect you fully, wear a panty liner.

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