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No, I don't know about you. but if anybody swears at me, I don't like it. Based on this I feel that if I swear at someone else they won't like it either.

Thus I do not think it is OK for parents to swear at their adult children. More than that, I don't think that is is OK for anybody to swear an anybody.

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Q: Is it okay for parents to swear at their adult children?
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Why do many kids swear at school?

For several reasons. I believe mostly because their parents swear around them so they have learnt that it's okay to swear.

How old should you be to cuss?

Although many children learn to cuss or to swear sometime in grade school, many adults believe that no child should swear. Indeed, swearing can bring trouble at school and later at jobs. However, many parents swear and set a bad example for their children. Some parents don't care, and others think it is funny when their otherwise sweet little two-year old mimics a swear word. Swearing does not make the person who's cussing look cool. In fact, in many places in society, cussing is viewed as being vulgar. That's where we get the word "vulgarities". The fact is, kids and adults know how to NOT swear. Kids who swear at school don't act the same way when they attend church, or when they know such behavior will not be tolerated. Same is true for adults. They control their behavior and speech when it is expected. For example, if an adult had to go to court over a speeding ticket, he or she would likely not swear at the judge, because it is seen as disrespectful and the adult would not want to anger the judge. So, to answer your question.... to have a polite society, there is no age when cussing should be okay.

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Yes only if a parent is supervising them though, ask other parents or guardians and see what they think! 4+ should be just about the age for safety 3 is okay but they will have to have an adult ext with them.

Is it okay to swear when you are mad?

Sometimes, it depends on the place your in.

Should children be allowed to swear?

No. Swearing is not necessary and it looks particularly ugly when children do it. Children needs to learn more words to be articulate about how they feel etc. Some people use swearwords instead of regular words and that makes them sound uneducated. If you wish to sound uneducated as an adult, after you are done with your schooling, fine. But when you are a child still learning, no. And there's words and then there are words, Some words are never necessary, not even when you drop a hammer on your foot.

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Dating anyone of any age is perfectly fine, as long as your okay with it. When is comes to sexual activities though, for an adult and a minor to participate in sex with each other is illegal, so keep it non-sexual.

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(I am a child) I believe that this shows a good sign of a relationship. Parents who trust in their kids to listen usually do this. Sadly, some parents do not have adult friends that can relate to them. Another thing is that parents are human, so sometimes they have to vent and have tantrums just as children do. Whenever you are being lectured to and the conversation usually goes to mistakes your parents made or a whole other topic about their problems, just nod your head and say okay. Then excuse yourself as quickly as possible before another word comes out their mouth.

How old do you have to be to swear?

Swearing is actually a bad idea at any age, as it makes you look out of control, or ignorant. However, once you're an adult it's up to you. Before that, your parents generally will tell you what's okay and what isn't. To me , swearing is merely an indication of a poor vocabulary. When you are highly literate verbally, you can reduce someone to a puddle without ever having to swear or resort to personal remarks that are not pertinent to the topic at hand.

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In the US, no, not unless that adult sibling has been granted custody/guardianship by a court, and the only way that will happen against the parents wishes is if the parents are proven to be unfit.

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Yes, the majority of Jewish parents wouldn't have an issue with their children dating an atheist. More religious parents would want their children to date an atheist Jew as opposed to someone non-Jewish.

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The normal number for me would be 18. Most younger people have dyed their hair at age 16 with their parents consent. If you are not an adult and just long as your parents/guardians are okay with it go for it. Otherwise wait until you are an adult so you don't have to ask anyone.