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Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. Ask your doctor, and be sure to let her or him know ALL of the medications and nutritional supplements you are taking or considering taking.

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Q: Is it okay taking other vitamins while taking pills?
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What are the advantages of liquid dosage forms over other dosage forms?

The advantage of liquid dosing over other types of dosing is that liquid is easier to adjust. Pills and chewable tablets can really only be cut in half if needed, while liquid dosages can be split into mL or smaller amounts if needed.

Can you take pre- natel pills while on bipolar and anxiety meds?

I would think so. I did (while on bipolar and anxiety meds) with no side effects. Prenatal pills are vitamins and shouldn't have any effect on your other meds. However, I would consult your doctor or pharmicist to make sure. They can also tell you at what times (taking) your meds will be most effective for you.

Is it bad to take other pills while on the birth control?

it depends on the pills you're taking. ask your doctor, but some pills can mess up birth control and weaken the medicine .

Can you drink while taking contraceptive pills?

you die

Is it bad to skip the white pills while taking trinessa?

The while pills on Trinessa are active pills that prevent pregnancy. If you don't take the active pills, you could get pregnant.

Can you take acai pills while taking lexapro welbutrin and hycozar?

Can i take acai pills while tkaing lexapro

What if i Started my period while still on active pills?

Just continue taking your pills as normal.

If you start while still taking active pills to you continue with the active ones or switch to the sugar pills?

Keep taking your pills all in order-do not skip any active pills...did you miss any pills -sometimes that can cause you to start your period early...also-maybe put a call in to your doc- if you didn't miss any pills,you shouldn't start your period while still taking active pills

Can you take vitamins while taking Effexor XR?

Yes, there is no problem in taking vitamins (calcium, iron, vit B, vit D, vit C, etc...) while taking Effexor. Even if these are taken at the same time.

What day does your period begin while taking birth control is it once you stop taking the active pills or does it begin when you finish the entire pack including the inactive pills?

The first day of your period will start once you stop taking the active pills.

How do you control resistant blood pressure?

You usually need to have a doctor monitor your vitals while trying different pills to try to lower your numbers. Also, you probably need a kidney scan every few months to compare progress. Hopefully, you'll get a competent doctor that will find your magic dosage. Some pills are only effective when taken in conjunction with other pills. also, you can't stop taking the pills while doing this. Exercise and lower stress is also recommended, along with diet of low salt foods and vitamins including B12 and potassium.

Is nature made prenatal vitamins good choice while preganan?

Yes, Nature Made prenatal vitamins are a good choice to take while pregnant. Always consult your doctor before taking any vitamins while pregnant.