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Yes but be careful if you move your gum around while you chew because it can attach itself to your ring.

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Q: Is it okay to chew gum with a retainer?
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Is it okay to chew old gum?

If its in the wrapper then yes. If you've already chewed it then no.

How long does gum last if you dont chew it?

It depends if the gum is rarely new then it might be okay to chew it but if you got the gum like a year or 5 months ago then it would just turn to something when you eat it it breaks or you can get sick.

How can you kiss a guy if you have a very stinky retainer in your mouth and you are not allowed to REMOVE it all day?

Brush Your Teeth A LOT And Chew A LOT Of Gum Too

What is a train made from gum?

A train made from gum is a Chew Chew train get it a CHEW CHEW train.

How remove the smell of alcohol?

chew gum chew gum

Why is it illegal to chew gum in Singapore?

It's okay to chew gum in Singapore. There is no punishment. Although there is a punishment for spitting gum on the floor. There is also a punishment for sticking your gum anywhere. You have to pay a fine. If you want to chew gum, spit it out into a piece of tissue and throw it into a rubbish bin. BTW: It's illegal to sell gum in Singapore.

What do whales like to chew?

Blubber gum

Is it true that you have to have a permit in Singapore to chew gum?

You can't even have a permit to chew it, its completely illegal to chew gum

Can people chew gum in Algeria?

Yes because they export gum. They make gum in Algeria and then send it out, so I believe that they do chew gum there.

What does chew on your bubble gum mean?

It just means gum... that you can chew. Or if you mean it a different way, it means that you're muching on gum.

What is the best kind of gum to chew on a test?

Don't chew gum eat a peppermint! whoevea wrote this i think that you should chew peppermint gum for u information!

Can you chew gum while fasting?

NO, You can't chew gum while fasting. As soon as you chew a gum while fasting your fast will break. But, if you're in fast for weight loss then if you think that gum helps you then you can go for it.