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NOT unless they would be found together in their natural habitat !

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Q: Is it okay to mix red eyed tree frogs and oriental fire bellied toads in the same 30 gallon tank?
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Do poisonous frogs have red spots?

They are called Fire Bellied Toads and no they are a common pet but frogs are going extinct.U have to feed them live crickets.

What animals have triangular shaped pupils?

Maltese painted frogs can have triangular shaped pupils. Please see the related link for more information...

When is mating season for Fire Bellied Toads?

Fire-bellied toads breed from May to September.

What is a fire bellied toads niche?

They are fire bellied because the toads heat up to much.

Can fire bellied toads swim?

Yes, they have webbed feet and toads need water.

What kind of frogs eat worms?

They will eat anything that fits in their mouth as long as it is not poisonous or harmful.

Can wood frogs and fire bellied toads live together?

yes indeed they can but the water can have chemicals frog the bellied toad that can make the wood frog sick so water need to be changes daily

Can Fire bellied Toads live together with other frogs?

Depending on the species of frog you plan to house with your toads, the answer could be yes or no. There are some species which can coexist with fire-bellied toads as they are immune to their toxins, but you should first take into account several key facts: -Sometimes frogs simply don't agree with others, a bit like humans and their personalities. Should this or worse disagreements occur, you must have spare equipment to house the frogs separately. -Some frogs are not immune to the toads' toxins, so you must be sure of the species of your frogs. -Wide-mouthed frogs such as horned frogs and White's tree frogs have a tendency to try and eat anything smaller as they don't usually know what is frog and what is food, so they don't make good tank-mates. Having said this, green tree frogs and barking tree frogs are apparently immune to the fire-bellied toad's skin and can live in a setup happily. ~ I hope your frog community setups go well! :)

Can fire bellied toads and tree frogs live in the same vivarum?

As long as the tow types are around the same size and are both getting equal amounts of food. The fire-bellied toad can be a aggressive hunter.

Do frogs and toads jump?

frogs only jump toads walk

What are newborn frogs and toads called?

Well we have two things, newly hatched frogs and toads are tadpoles. New frogs and toads who have recently become frogs and toads from tadpoles are called froglets and toadlets,

Can fire bellied toads and bottom feeder fish live together?

Yes, as long as the fish and Fire Bellied Toads are around the same size and the toads have a place were they can get out of the water if they want to.