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Paraphrasing is considered plagiarism if it is not cited and you take credit for the work/idea. If you cite the information and give credit to the author, then no, paraphrsing is not plagiarism.

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Marcel Strosin

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2y ago
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4mo ago

Using quotes is generally considered acceptable as long as you attribute the quote to its original source. However, if you do not properly credit the source of the quote, it could be considered plagiarism. It's important to always give credit to the original author or speaker when using their words.

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9y ago

No. Plagiarism falls under the category of making a public or published article but copying it from some one else word for word with out permission and you can get sued. Quotes are quoting famous phrases or small portions of others writing.

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14y ago

No, provided you acknowledge that the paraphrasing exists and that it is not your own original statement. Plagiarism would occur only if you took credit for the statement or its content and meaning.

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14y ago

Paraphrasing involves rewriting in your own words. In practice, you should acknowledge the source, for example, by stating clearly something like Based on Weinstein (1999: 151-2).

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11y ago

To quote a snippet of text from Wikipedia is not plagiarism, as long as you let the reader know where it came from and give credit to the rightful authour.

However, copying entire articles is plagiarism, in accordance to international copyright laws.

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15y ago

The source(s) of paraphrased material should be stated, otherwise you run the risk of being accused of plagiarism.

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Why is important to use quotes in any essay?

It is important to use quotes in any essay to fight plagiarism.

How do you avoid plagiarism with textual evidence?

Place quotes around it and/or use parenthetical documentation.

Is taking something from a book and putting it in your report but using quotes plagiarism?

If you put quotes around it or include it in a bibliography, then it is not plagiarism.

How do you solve plagiarism?

To avoid plagiarism, give credit to the original source by citing it properly in your work. Use quotation marks for direct quotes and paraphrase information in your own words while still providing a citation. Additionally, run your work through plagiarism detection software to check for unintentional plagiarism.

How do you avoid plagiarism?

To avoid plagiarism, make sure to properly cite any sources you use in your work, whether it's a direct quote or paraphrased information. Use quotation marks for direct quotes and provide a citation for the source. Additionally, rephrase information in your own words and provide a reference to the original source to avoid plagiarism.

Is taking a recipe off the Internet plagiarism?

It depends on what you do with the recipe. If you use it to cook from it, no, that is not plagiarism; but if you include it without acknowledgement in a presentation on recipes, that is plagiarism.

How difficult is it to avoid plagiarism?

Avoiding plagiarism can be relatively easy as long as you take the time to properly cite your sources and give credit to the original authors. By using quotation marks for direct quotes, paraphrasing content, and citing sources correctly, you can ensure that your work is original and free from plagiarism. Utilizing plagiarism detection tools can also help you identify and correct any unintentional instances of plagiarism.

What is it called when an author quotes another author?

When an author quotes another author, it is typically considered as using a "source" or a "reference." When you don't cite your source/reference accurately or not at all, it's called "plagiarism."

Which information would an author need to cite in order to avoid plagiarism-?

An author would need to cite any ideas, information, or language that is not their original creation. This includes direct quotes, paraphrased information, and ideas taken from another source. Additionally, any statistics, data, images, or concepts that are not common knowledge or widely known should be properly cited to avoid plagiarism.

What should you do you do to avoid being guilty of plagiarism?

To avoid plagiarism, make sure to cite all sources used in your work, including direct quotes, paraphrased information, and ideas. Use quotation marks for verbatim text and provide a proper reference for the source. It is also recommended to paraphrase information in your own words and properly attribute the source.

What is minimal plagiarism?

Minimal Plagiarism: It is type of plagiarism, which is most common in the educational sector and in this plagiarism the person do plagiarism by substituting the synonyms and editing the original text.

How do university professors do a plagiarism check on papers?

Many university professors do a plagiarism check on papers, though there is not a specific number estimated of how many. Many professors use plagiarism software that checks each of the papers for any sign of plagiarism.