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Unfortunately, people put on fake faces around people they want to fit in with. You could do one of two things. Ignore him in the places you see him to let him know how it feels or you could make yourself known to the ones he is trying to impress..Either way this person is a fake and not worth your time.

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16y ago

It depends on his age, which is not made clear.

Younger guys are greatly influenced by peer pressure. They can and will behave differently towards women if they are with their friends than they do in private. Check if he is ignoring you when his friends are around and being nice to you when they are not.

If this is the case, he does really like you, but does not think that his group will 'approve' of the relationship. You are seen as not being 'hot' or 'cool' enough.

Try talking to him about it. Either he is mature enough to agree, and change his behavious, or he is immature enough to deny or continue the behavious. If the last, give up and find someone emotionally older.

If this is about an older guy, say over 20, you have a bigger problem, and would need to post more details here for answers. Look especially at the circumstances, as above - what triggers the ignoring behaviour. There is always a cause - you just have to pin it down.

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15y ago

It depends HOW the guy ignores you. If he ignores you, but looks at you all the time and turns away when you look at him, he definitely likes you. he'll also show off. But if he just ignores you , he probably hasn't even noticed you exist!

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Q: What if the guy you like acts like he likes you some days but then he ignores you other days?
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