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Q: Is it possible for a planet to form in the Lagrange point between the two stars of a binary system?
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Is charon a binary dwarf planet?

Because the barycenter of the Pluto-Charon lies between the two bodies, it is a binary system, and one could extrapolate the definition of a dwarf Planet to include Charon. However, the IAU has not yet defined a binary dwarf planet. So the answer is yes and no. If you were to adhere to the current IAU opinion, Charon is a moon. If you would like to adhere to the physics of the system, then yes, they are binary.

What planet has no day or night?

I think they all do in this solar system, but maybe someplace with two suns has a planet without night. On a binary star system when the planet move between the stars in part of it's year there will be no night or only daylight.

Which used to be a planet and form a binary system with charon?

Pluto used to be CONSIDERED a planet. Pluto hasn't changed; the definition of a planet has. Charon is a moon of Pluto; since their masses are more similar than Earth and our Moon, they might be considered a binary system.

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this is the following:BiospheretropospherestratospheremesospherethermosphereionosphereexosphereThe boundaries between them are:Tropopausemesopausethermopauseexopause

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It is not possible: Mercury does not have a frozen planet.

A small planet that revolves around another planet?

This is called a binary planet. They are ususally very close together and share a gravitaional pull. A good example of a binary planet planet is the ex-planet Pluto, which rotates with it's satellite Charon. Charon was believed to have been the "moon" belonging to Pluto, but recently scientists decided to strip Pluto of it's "planetary" status, and have also stripped Charon of it's "moon" status. They have now been renamed and are considered to be BINARY stars. Pluto is considered to be a "minor" planet now because of this.

How many moons has the dwarf planet Pluto?

The dwarf planet Pluto and its binary partner Charon have two moons, Nix and Hydra.

What planet is binary bard on in astro knights?

He isn't on a planet he is on an asteroid in the asteroid belt(coordinates x-12 y-80)

Can double stars have planets?

It is possible but a planet in a binary star system would have a complex orbit that might not be very stable in the long term, so there is a chance of it being swallowed up by one of the stars.

Can two planets share the same orbital path around a star?

Only under once circumstance: a binary planet. In the case of a binary planet, two planets will revolve about their common center of mass and travel around their star together. The configuration is much like that of a planet with a large moon.

What planet's moon is so close in size that scientists consider it to be a binary planet?

Pluto and Charon. That's not a bad answer, except that Pluto isn't regarded as a planet now, of course.

What are the two planets that move around each other in the solar system?

All planets revolve around the Sun. There are no binary planet systems in our Solar System. The dwarf planets Pluto and Charon are possible candidates for a binary system because of the barycentre. The other alternative would be Pluto and Neptune because of Pluto's chaotic orbit.