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Q: Is it possible for an unborn baby to kick hard enough to make a bruise on the outside of the mothers stomach?
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Why does a bruise occur when after an injection?

Because to many injections in your belly/stomach

Can you get a bruise in the armpit?

Yes, you can really get a bruise anywhere you have skin. Some areas are less likely to bruise than others, but anywhere is possible.

Can an unborn baby harm its mother by kicking?

yes it can if it kickes to hard it can bruise the inside of a womens stomach and cause damage to the stomach.

Can you break a bruise?

The only way I know that's possible is that if you stab the surface of the bruise

What causes purple coloring on stomach in Chihuahua puppy?

Is it a bruise? Chi's underbellies can get bruised if they've been stepped on.

Can you bruise the bottom of your foot?

It depends what you mean. If you mean just a normal bruise like on your arms or legs, then it is quite possible to bruise your foot, especially if you twist it or hit it on something. You can also bruise bones in your foot.

Is it normal to experience bruises after menstruation?

No, bruise are not a normal occurrence from menstruation. It is possible to bruise slightly easier during this time due to being lower in iron.

What is happening when i squeeze the fat on my stomach and i feel it pop?

It is probably nothing but to be safe leave it alone. You may be separating layers and it may bruise.

Is a bruise worse than a bruise?

ummm..... please specify what the difference between a bruise and a bruise is :)

Can you bruise your eyeball?

Yes. Believe it or not, it is possible to bruise your eyeball. Rubbing your eyes too much or even poking your eye with your finger on accident can cause a bruise. However, this bruise is not visible. If it is not accompanied by other symptoms then it is most likely a bruise. Please be sure to visit your physician if the pain persists, or if the pain is accompanied by other symptoms.

Does foreplay intact hymen?

What doe you mean by intact? If you burst it, damage or bruise it, the answer is no. It also depends on what type of foreplay you are engaging. If your partner uses their finger to enter the vaginal area, it is possible to bruise the area.

How do you say bruise in spanish?

magullar = to bruise una magulladura = a bruise