

Is it possible for one parakeet to eat another one?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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according to nature it is not possible but if it hungry and unable to find his food then it may eat another parakeet

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Q: Is it possible for one parakeet to eat another one?
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When a parakeet lays an egg does it lay another one the next day when you remove it?

It could be possible, but most of the time it's rare.

How do you know if your female parakeet loves your male parakeet?

Probably when they are very affectionate with one another or you have baby parakeets.

How does a parakeet die if the parakeet that killed her didn't peck at her?

The only real way that a parakeet can die if another one doesn't peck at it is through the transmission of diseases.

You recently purchsed a parakeet and believe it is a female Is it okay to just have one or should you get another one to keep company The parakeet appears to be happy and chirps constantly?

The decision on whether to get another parakeet or not is totally up to the owner, but be warned that once the parakeet has a flockmate, it will not bond to its human owner quite as much. But it will still obey and love the owner. And the parakeets are MUCH noisier when paired. Having one parakeet is just fine as long as you give it lots of attention and love.

What bird is good with a parakeet?

Parakeets like other parakeets. In the wild many birds are in one flock. I'd say your best bet is to get another Parakeet if you want it to get a different bird a cockatiel would be okay. age and sex matters and you need to get them at the same time or they fight because the old bird thinks it's his/her turf. If you already have a parakeet you should get another parakeet.

My parakeet kills other parakeets because theres only one in the cage with him could it be possible for him to stop killing parakeets if he is with more than one in the cage?

I have a parakeet that is hurting my others, so i am putting her in a smaller separate cage next to the one the other parakeets are in.

How do you keep a green parakeet quiet?

First of all the color of your parakeet doesn't effect anything it does. Second, you can't make a parakeet be quiet. They're big flock birds so they always are communicating with one another. Each parakeet is different, I have two myself and one is quiet and only has a few outbursts while the other likes to talk all day long. If you dislike the sound then I suggest giving the parakeet away or getting used to it. Never EVER punish the parakeet by smacking it, spraying it, or anything else.

What are parakeet habits?

Sitting with one foot up. If my parakeet wants out he will pace the bottom of his cage. If u have a necklace he will suit on u for hours and chew on the silver. Once they are comfortable with you they will try to eat anything you eat. Its cute but dont let them become a scavenger like bird.

Can a minnow eat another minnow?

if one is a lot bigger than the other,it's possible but it rarely happens.

What are common parakeet habits?

Sitting with one foot up. If my parakeet wants out he will pace the bottom of his cage. If u have a necklace he will suit on u for hours and chew on the silver. Once they are comfortable with you they will try to eat anything you eat. Its cute but dont let them become a scavenger like bird.

Can parakeets eat cherries?

yes but, make sure you cut it in little pieces or it will choke and die.

Can a parakeet eat chalk?

Parakeets CAN eat many things but clay they should not eat.