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It depends like if both person who is driving an the person in the passenger seat or drunk then they both will get a ticket or sometimes it depends

on what officer pulls you over some will take you to jail or some will give you a ticket.

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Q: Is it possible for the passenger in a vehicle who does not drive to get a traffic ticket?
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Can a traffic ticket be dismissed if year of vehicle on ticket is wrong?

Possibly. But if the VIN number is right, you won't have much of a chance.

Can a traffic ticket be thrown out of court for the wrong color of the vehicle in Illinois?

If all the other information on the ticket is correct, no, it is highly unlikely. .

Can a parent pay your traffic ticket without you being there?

In most cases the courts do not care who pays the ticket. And if the ticket vehicle has their name on the registration, they have an obligation to see that it is resolved.

Can you get a ticket in Louisiana for being a passenger in a vehicle when the driver does not have his license on him?

I don't think you can get a ticket for that reason, it was the driver's fault that he forgot his license, not yours.

Does the statute of limitations apply in Texas on traffic violations without being issued a ticket?

There is no statute of limitations on traffic tickets in Texas. If the officer did not give you a ticket, you were not issued one. Look up the ticket online, if possible.

Can you a reckless driving ticket if you were not pulled over?

yes if you were caught by a traffic camera or a police officer who was not in a vehicle was able to get your plate number and wrote the ticket.

Can Colorado prosecute you for a 10 year old traffic ticket?

In Colorado, it is possible for a city to put out a warrant if a person fails to pay a traffic ticket. The best option would be to go to the city courthouse and pay the ticket immediately.

Can they issue a warrant for failure to appear on a traffic ticket?

Yes, it is possible that the judge might do so.

Can you get a traffic ticket on private property in pa?

If you are in Philadelphia PA Department of License and Inspections can give you a ticket on your vehicle on private property if it is not legal or there are to many vehicles on your property.

Has anyone been stopped for speeding got ticket and passenger also got ticket for no seat belt in mass?

yes, everyone in a moving vehicle must wear seat belts or receive ticket.

Could i Dismiss traffic ticket by going to traffic school?

Traffic School is the best way to get a ticket erased.....

Is it possible to dispute a ticket if you were not driving?

It is always possible to dispute a ticket. That's what courts are for. Go to court on the day and time shown on the ticket and present your case to the Judge. Driving violations are charged to the person actually driving the vehicle.