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It's possible, but unlikely to occur any time soon since the closest (known) black hole, known as V4641 Sgr, is 1600 light years away.

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Q: Is it possible for your solar system to be sucked by a black hole?
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Related questions

How do black holes get into your solar system?

There are no black holes in our solar system

Does a planet get sucked in to a black hole which one?

Actually as a solar system nears a black hole, any planets within the solar system would be crushed and compacted, like so much garbage, and become part of the accretion disk - long before it eventually disappears accross the threshold of the black hole's event horizon.

Where are most black holes in the solar system?

There is no known black hole in our Solar System.

Are black holes the most powerful thing in the solar system?

no. there are no black holes in our solar system.

Is there a black hole in our solar system?

No, we have not seen any evidence of a black hole in our solar system.

Is a black hole an object in the Solar System?

No. The nearest black hole is about 1,600 light years away from the solar system.

Why is the earth part of the solar system?

When Earth was created, it was sucked into the Sun's gravitational field like the other 7 planets. That is why it revolves around the Sun.

Do you have black holes in your solar system?


What is the hotest moon in your solar system?

It's possible that the hottest moon in the solar system's Io.

Are there any satellites studying any of the black holes in the solar system?

They would - if there was a black hole in our Solar System - but there isn't one.

Will you find black holes in the solar system?

No. The closest known black hole to our solar system is about 1,600 light years away.

Could a black hole swallow your solar system?

Yes a black hole could envelope our solar system but it does not swallow anything.