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Q: Is it possible that a car show 200000 more miles on it's odometer than there actually are on the car?
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Your car has 200000 miles how many kilometers does it have?

Hi, 1 mile equals 1.61 kilometers. all you have to do is multiply your odometer reading in miles by 1.61. In your case.....200000 X 1.61 = 322000 kilometers

What is 200000 in miles?

You do not say what you have 200000 of but I am going to assume you mean kilometres. In which case that would be approx.125000 miles=200000 km

Which is bigger a mile or odometer?

No direct comparison is possible. A mile is a measurement of length and an odometer is a device used to measure how many miles you have traveled.

How many 200000 kilometers equal a mile?

200000 km = 124274.23 miles

How many miles are there in 200000 kilometres?

There are 1.609344 kilometres in one mile. Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, 200000 kilometres is equal to 200000/1.609344 = 124274.24 miles.

How many miles can you put on a Mercedes?

200000 miles

How many miles from san francisco to Berlin?

200000 miles

How many square miles in 200000 acres?

312.5 square miles in 200000 acres. Ratio is 640 acres per square mile.

Is it possible for a Honda Civic to exceed mechanical limits title?

Exceeds Mechanical Limits - A vehicle with a 5-digit odometer cannot accurately track mileage after 99,999 miles because the odometer rolls over. This title is the result of a seller certifying under the Truth-in-Mileage Act, that the odometer reading EXCEEDS MECHANICAL LIMITS of the odometer. However, a Honda civic has a 6-digit odometer. Is this possible? For a Civic to have that Title?

What does an odometer mesure?

An odometer measures the miles per hour (mph).

What calculates miles?

An odometer.

What if your car has 200000 kilometers how many miles does it have?

Answer: 200,000 km = 124,274.2 miles