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Q: Is it possible that you can be pregnant and not tell?
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Is it possible for a doctor to tell your pregnant 2 weeks after intercourse?

Yes he can

Can you tell if your pregnant from a pap smear?

he sure can, he can also tell you how far you are too

What day did you get pregnant if your baby was due 2 February 2005?

It is never possible to tell exactly.

If you are 4 weeks and 2 days pregnant is it possible to tell the date you got pregnant?

count the days back on a calendar if you have trouble doing it in your head.

How do ladies find they are pregnant what should they do?

They should take a home pregnancy test and/or go to see their Dr and tell them that you may be pregnant. If you have a positive home pregnancy test see your Dr as soon as possible and they will tell you what to do.

Should you tell your ex your pregnant?

Think of it this way; lets just pretend it was possible for your ex to be pregnant. Yes a male!Would you want to be told if he was baring your child?

How long after your period you can know that you are preganat?

If you menstruate then you're not pregnant - it is possible to bleed while pregnant, but it is biologically impossible to menstruate while pregnant. The very earliest you can tell when you're pregnant or not is 3 weeks after you had sex, via pregnancy test.

Is it possible for kids to wear a pregnant mom's shirt?

I wore one fit..i was fat you remember...TELL ME YOU REMEMBER!

Can a doctor tell your pregnant by pelvic exam at 16 weeks and is it possible it could be missed?

Sure.....with a pelvic exam a doctor can tell you whether you are pregnant as early as 6 weeks by checking the size of the uterus, tubes as well as a bluish tinge on your cervix

Is it possible to be pregnant and have PID at the same time?

It is possible to be pregnant and have PID at the same time.

Are you pregnant if you have the symptoms late period lower abdomen pain eating a lot and all of these occurred about 5 weeks after having sex?

Its very possible you could be pregnant. Unfortunately I cannot tell you if you're pregnant. Only a blood test can do that.

Who you tell if a dogs pregnant?

You don't need to tell anyone if a dog is pregnant, but if you want to, you can tell the dog's owners.