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I do Catching and throwing with both my hands my right hand is more powerful and my left hand is more precision. I write with only my left hand I kick with only my right foot I can't write with my right hand but I can also brush my hair with both my hands so is it possible to be both ambidextrous and make sanded?

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Q: Is it possible to be both ambidextrous and mixed handed?
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What is it called when your both right and left handed?

That is what's called being Mixed Handed or what some people call it instead sometimes as being: Cross Dominant.Being ambidextius is just the most common known version of mixed handedness;But it is not the only kind that is possible.

What is the etymology of the word ambidextrous?

The word ambidextrous originated in the 1640s from the Latin word ambidexter, meaning "right-handed on both sides." (Ambi is a prefix for "both" and dexter means "right-handed.")

What does Ambidextrous Magazine Release mean?

ambidextrous means two handed so there is a button to release the mag on both sides

Was Bruce Lee left or right handed?

Bruce Lee was both right handed and left handed. That is what made him amazing. He was Ambidextrous.

Is SpongeBob left handed or right handed?

SpongeBob is actually ambidextrous (both right and left handed, seen in the episode You Don't Know Sponge)

Are you born left handed or right handed?

If you are born left handed, then you are left handed with the ability to use your right. Being able to use both hands is called being ambidextrous. Teaching yourself to be ambidextrous is called penwald.

What is the word for a person who can write perfectly with both hands?

AMBIDEXTROUS That is the gift of being "ambidextrous". it's how they were born if you learn to write with the left hand it good to but the right hand is better Or both handed person.

What is it called when you are both handed?

Ambidextrous adj. Able to use both hands with equal facility. Unusually skillful; adroit.

I write with my left hand but do everything else with my right hand. Am I left handed or ambidextrous?

Ambidextrous refers to equal facility with both hands; you, therefore, would be considered left handed because of inability to write with the right hand.

What is it called when you can use both hands?

you are ambidextrous when you can write with both of your hands

Is Phineas Flynn from Phineas and Ferb right-handed or left-handed?

Phineas is apparantly ambidextrous as he has been shown playing the guitar with both his right and left hand.

Is Cameron Boyce left handed or right handed?

Cameron Boyce is ambidextrous. On the show, Jessie, there were moments when he wrote with the right but there were others where he wrote his left hand.