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Yes, if you have a high metabolism you could be processing foods much quicker than others and therefore have a harder time gaining weight. It is perfectly natural for some people to be naturally underweight based purely on their body make-up.

Usually though being underweight is a sign of another condition so you should be checked by your doctor. One possible condition causing this is hyperthyroidism- a condition in which the thyroid which controls your metabolism is overly active preventing you from gaining weight. Parasites can also cause someone to be underweight, and also certain medications can cause weight losses in some individuals. Best to get checked out by a physician as a precautionary measure.

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Q: Is it possible to be naturally underweight?
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Are you underweight if you are almost 13 5'5'' and 87 pounds?

Of coarse you are! no you are not underweight. It is ok to be this skinny when you are as tall as you are. Technically, yes, it is underweight. However, if this child is naturally that thin and is not dieting then I wouldn't be too worried. She'll probably pick up weight soon.

How does being underweight affect you?

Being underweight is (most of the time) due to hormonal or adrenal issues. However some people are just naturally skinny or underweight, and they can't seem to do anything about it. It's best to get medical advice from a professional for someone who doesn't have a healthy weight in general, to see what their options are.

Is it possible for a healthy guy to have 10 percent body fat and STILL be underweight because of a lack of muscle but NOT fat?

Yes! i know a guy who is underweight and yet he even has 10 percent bodyfat. He doesnt work out at all so yeah you can have a good healthy bodyfat and still be underweight from a lack of muscle not fat. I also know about a guy who is prettly fat and he is also underweight. I think you can have a good healthy body fat percentage and still be underweight from a lack of muscle not fat. You can be underweight from muslce even though you have a good body fat percentage. So yeah it's possible to be underweight from muscle ONLY...and at the same time maintaining a good fat percentage.

Is it possible to be underweight from a lack of muscle rather than fat?

It is very possible. If a person is anorexic or bolemic, they will be very skinny with no muscles or fat.

Is 5'5 and 105 pounds anorexic for a 18 year old?

Your BMI is 17, which is classified as underweight, but barely. It really all depends on your build, if you're naturally built wide, then it is pretty underweight. And it also depends on your eating patterns. Your weight is *underweight* but do your eating patterns have something wrong with them? (Message me)

What is underweight in a sentence?

My mom is underweight cause she extrasises

What year did underweight begin?

There have always been underweight people.

How is it possible for a child in UK to be underweight?

their parents might not be able to afford it or they might not want to eat the food due to being picky

Can mixed people have naturally straight hair?

Yes it is possible.

Is a 105 lb 17-year-old underweight?

no your not underweight you about the right size

Is 97 or 98 pounds underweight or overweight?

It depends on your height if that is underweight or overweight.