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no if you had your period after unprotected sex you cannot be pregnant

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Q: Is it possible to be pregnant if your period was 6 days late but lasted only 4 days and light I still have nausea and stomach cramping but the HPT came back negative is something wrong?
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Can you be pregnant and the test negative?

It is possible to be pregnant and the test negative, but not likely.

Is it possible to be pregnant and have cramping or is the cramping from your polycistic ovary syndrome?

It is very normal to have some cramping during pregnancy. If it is severe or continues for a long period of time, see your doctor.

Today I am 3 weeks late and I have started to spot and have light cramping I have taken 2 home pregnancy tests both of which have been negative Is it still possible that I am pregnant?

That is exactly what happened to me when I found out I was pregnant with my son! Everyone's body is different but that did happen to me!

Can you still be pregnant now that you are having bleeding and mild cramping?

Yes you can. Depending how far on you are, how serious it is. It may be an early sign of a possible miscarriage early in pregnancy. Towards the end it may be a sign that you are going into labour.

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Is it possible to be pregnant and have negative test results?


Have mild cramping after your period its not normal for you could you be pregnant?

Sure, but more likely you have an infection or that something is wrong. See a doctor.

Can you still be pregnant with cramping?


You have cramping but no bleeding?

could you be pregnant ???

Took a pregnancy test it was negative Is it still possible that you were pregnant and had a miscarriage?


You fainted twice back to back and you have heavy cramping but you are bleeding are you pregnant?

If you are cramping and bleeding and you ARE pregnant you are having a miscarriage. you need to see a doctor.

You are Cramping and breastfeeding baby is 6 weeks old could i be pregnant again?

You are actually most fertile right after having a baby, so it is completely possible you could be pregnant again.