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This is such a dumb question,but if ya wanna know the awnser.It is yes. This is such a dumb question,but if ya wanna know the awnser.It is yes. This is such a dumb question,but if ya wanna know the awnser.It is yes.

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Q: Is it possible to develop a horrible taste in your mouth after a severe sore throat?
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What happens when you consume tobacco?

You become addicted to the nicotine, develop gum, lip, tongue, throat or lung cancer depending on how you consume it, and eventually die a horrible death.

What is the possible connection between a child's severe sore throat and heart disease?

In some cases, a streptococcal sore throat can lead to rheumatic fever. This disease can affect the function of the heart valves.

Is it possible to die from a swollen throat?

It is possible but not likely to die from a swollen throat.

Chain forming bacteria that causes the severe pharyngitis known as a strep throat?

Streptococci is the chain-forming bacteria that cause the severe pharyngitis known as a strep throat.

What is considered the most severe a throat infection or strep throat?

These are often the same thing: bacterial growths of the genus Streptococcus are a potentially severe form of throat infection (pharyngitis). However, most cases of strep throat are not serious. They are usually treated to avoid complications such as rheumatic fever.

What is the throat also called?

The pharynx is a muscular passageway about 13 cm long that is commonly called the throat.

Does cancer in your throat feel like a really bad sore throat?

There are many conditions that can cause a severe sore throat including strep throat. Cancer of the throat can cause the throat to feel sore. When you have a persistent sore throat consult a physician.

What are some strep throat symptoms?

Characteristics of strep throat include a severe sore throat that may cause pain or difficulty swallowing. The back of the throat is usually very red and there may be white patches in the back of the throat or on the tonsils.

What is the effects of having severe acute respiratory syndrome?

Severe acute respiratory syndrome is a viral respiratory disease. The initial effects of having SARS is having flu-like symptoms, a fever, cough and sore throat. If left untreated, you may develop a shortness of breath and eventually, pneumonia.

The chain-forming bacteria that cause the severe pharyngitis known as a strep throat?

Streptococci is the chain-forming bacteria that cause the severe pharyngitis known as a strep throat.

Can strep throat be present without white spots on the tonsils and red spots on the tongueif not what else can a severe sore throat without any other flu symptoms be?

Yes a severe sore throat could be strep throat, even without any visible marks or patches on the throat or tongue. I have tested positive for strep throat without any vomiting, stomach problems, or any oral patches to be seen several times.

Can you get strep throat from your cat?

No. That is not possible.