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BiPolar itself can not cause any death. the only way someone with BiPolar didn't live as long as someone who didn't have would be because they killed themselves, or if they were in an accident like anyone else.

I disagree with the above answer to the question. Bipolar disease is chronic. It causes changes in the chemical balance of the brain involving seratonin, receptor sites, and other processes involved in causing chemical imbalance. If the brain is the place where mood, thought processes, the ability to rationalize, self esteem, how one interacts with the world and feels about their place in the world...the ability to feel joy and happiness, even when one has so much...extreme irritability the feeling that in a seemingly normal way of thinking one can do extreme acts, or the feeling of polar opposites at the same time. Having mood fluctuate by the day, hour or minutes. Affecting relationship with self, family, friends, the ability to work and function with daily tasks...having daily tasks feel overhwelming. Flashing to pain. If the brain is where these thought processes are formed, why is it so hard to believe that with a chemical imbalance that causes so much distorted thinking, the victim of this disease would feel that their family would be better off without them? That their family and friends deserve better and that they are a failure, loser and their kids deserve a much better parent, even though you are usually doing a good job.

At the end stage of this disease their is extreme pain...just like any other serious medical disease/condition where it is at the end stages. Unfortunately with mental health disease, their is no hospice care. There is no morphine or round the clock care to make the person feel as comfortable as possible. To be out of the pain, one kills themselves. But one with bipolar disease doesnt want to die anymore than any other with a disease that destroys their ability to live a fulfilling life, they just want to be out of the pain. Unfortunately those around will often tend to compartamentalize the bipolar person. A bipolar person is walking around trying to function with no physical changes apparent, but behavior that is judged. It is an invisible disease that one often can't talk about for fear or repercussions. 'Their working and have so much good things in their life, my god how could they be so irresponsible for their bills, their work responsibilities? My god how could they even think of doing this to their children?! What they don't realize is that the acts or behavior that they consider irresponsible and interpret as character flaws are often signs and symptoms of this serious disease.Their is not compassion, their is judgment and terribly mean comments about how selfish this person is. In reality the bipolar person or depressed person does not want to die any more than that alzheimers patient that becomes confuses and wanders out in front of that car and is killed...than a person whose behavior becomes eratic due to a brain tumor..they don't want to leave their children anymore than someone who has a heart attack, complications from Diabetes (which is also a chemical imbalance), metastatic cancer. Has anyone ever said to a victim of one of these other diseases who is about to die, "My god, how could you do this to your children?" Probably not. My mother had terminal cancer and my father died of Heart disease. I cared for my mom for a year and a half before she died. We used hospice care. We cared for her around the clock. My father died suddenly one afternoon. He suffered terribly. Was in terrible agony as he drowned in his own fluid. I understand the Horror and pain and devastation that many other diseases can cause. I am bipolar. I am made to feel shame and guilt. It is a disease that I am unable to speak freely about because I am often judged. It kills self esteem, the feeling of self worth. It causes the feeling of extreme guilt of one's performance as a person, a mother, a professional a friend and family member and causes the feeling that the world would be better off without being around. It gives the facade that one is functioning when really one is struggling to stay alive and is battling the feeling of wanting to die. I am bipolar. I tried to kill myself. I was in a coma for seven days. I had, as my medical team explained, what is comprable to a heart attack, end stages of cancer or alzheimers...I was at the end stages of this disease and I was going to die. I couldn't take the guilt and shame anymore. I was in excruciating pain.

If I wasn't bipolar, my thinking probably wouldn't be distorted. I would be confident again and feel joy and the love of life, my children, friends, family. I would carry out responsibilities with integrity and excellent follow through. I would love myself just the way I am.

Yes, I am bipolar. To answer the question. Yes, bipolar is a disease. It is chronic. If it is in remission, it doesn't mean that one is normal or without the disease. Many things will trigger an episode. And, it is a disease that kills all by itself. It is not like getting his by a car or any other accident. It is often terminal.

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12y ago
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14y ago

Bipolar can not kill you by just having the illness itself. However with out proper medical attention, it can lead to severe thoughts of suicide and other fatal symptom's.

  • Medication usually responds well in most cases.
  • But there are always risk factors involved.
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12y ago

No, but it will have some bad effects on your life if left untreated. Such as arguing with your boss leads to getting fired more often. Arguing with your spouse leads to getting divorced more often. Arguing with friends leads to having less of them.

Not taking the meds leads to self medicating usually booze or pills which leads to addiction and all kinds of life shortening experiences.

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14y ago

They can't die from it. But there is a 1 out of 7 chance u will commitie sucide.

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14y ago

Bipolar disorder can cause suicide, but the disease itself isn't terminal.

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13y ago

Not directly by the disorder but it can cause death indirectly eg through suicide

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12y ago

Left untreated, in the depressive phase, danger of suicide is real. So it can be fatal in the absence of treatment.

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