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no we cannot do both at the same time because overloading requires different arguments and overriding dosenot

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Q: Is it possible to do method overloading and overriding at a time?
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What is the difference between overloading and overriding methods in object?

Here are some of the most common differences between both of them. If you are working in Java for more than 1 year, you might be familiar with all of them but any way its good revision: 1) First and major difference between Overloading and Overriding is that former occur during compile time while later occur during runtime. 2) Second difference between Overloading and Overriding is that, you can overload method in same class but you can only override method in sub class. 3) Third difference is that you can overload static method in Java but you can not override static method in Java. In fact when you declare same method in Sub Class it's known as method hiding because it hide super class method instead of overriding it. 4) Overloaded methods are bonded using static binding and Type of reference variable is used, while Overridden method are bonded using dynamic bonding based upon actual Object. 5) Rules of Overloading and Overriding is different in Java. In order to overload a method you need to change its method signature but that is not required for overriding any method in Java.

What is the difference between compile time and run time polymorphism?

Runtime prolymorphism means overriding compiletile polymorphism means overloading

Is overloading done at compile time or run time?

Overloading will be done at compile time itself. Proof: If you try to narrow down the access modifier for a method from public in the parent class to private in the child class while overloading, the compiler will not let you do it.

Why to use overriding in java?

Overriding is closely connected to polymorphism. Redefining method is similar to Overriding but you cannot expect those redefined methods to deliver polymorphism.The concept of redefining is used when it involves static methods.

What is the difference between overloading and overriding and polymorphism in terms of C plus plus?

In C++, overloading, overriding, and polymorphism have the following meanings...Overloading is when you create two functions of the same name, but with different argument types, or with a different number of arguments. The compiler generates code for each case. This can be done inside or outside a class. Operators can also be overloaded, as they are (for all practical purposes) functions, but operators can only be overloaded in the context of a class.Overriding is when you derive a child class from a base class, and you replace a method (function) of the base class with a method of the child class using the same type and number of arguments. This is not overloading - it is redeclaration - and the overridden method only applies when dealing with an instance of the child class.Polymorphism is the same as overriding, except that you declare any base method virtual, making all base and derived methods virtual. Virtual, in the context of a class, means to create a table in the static portion (all instances) of the class that point to the specific overridden variants of the methods of the class. This allows you to declare a pointer to the base class, initialize it with the address of an instance of either the base class or any of the child classes, invoke a method of the class, and have the proper binding determined at run-time.

Is method overridding is polymorphism?

Yes. Method Overriding is a form of Polymorphism.Overridden MethodsAny time you have a class that inherits a method from a superclass, you have the opportunity to override the method (unless, as you learned in the earlier chapters, the method is marked final). The key benefit of overriding is the ability to define behavior that's specific to a particular subclass type. The following example demonstrates a Porsche subclass of Car overriding the Car version of the drive() method:public class Car {public void drive() {System.out.println("Generic Car Driving Generically");}}class Porsche extends Car {public void drive() {System.out.println("Porsche driving Full Throttle");}}

Why return type is not considered while overloading a function?

YES only if: The return type in the child class is a sub-type of the return type of the parent class. Ex: public int getName() {} - Parent class method public String getName() {} - Child class method If we implement the above two methods in the class hierarchy we will get compilation errors. whereas if we try the below implementation it will work: public Object getName() {} - Parent class method public String getName() {} - Child class method This is because String is a sub-type of Object and hence it works. This is also called as Covariant Overriding. Note: This feature is available only from Java 1.5. Earlier versions of Java expect overriding methods to have exactly the same return type as the super class method.

Is overriding done at compile time or run time?

compile time

Can we say bank transaction is one of the real time example to method overriding in java?

yes. we can sat . because the same method may be used by many banks but implementations may be different. Eg: withDraw(int i) { int maxWithDraw = 10000; if(i>maxWithDraw) { Sop("Not allowed"); } } Eg: withDraw(int i){ ** int maxwithDraw = 20000; ....... } Here we can see that the methods are the same but implementation is different. This is nothing but overriding.

What is method overloading in vb net?

In object-oriented programming (OOP), programmers can create virtual copies of objects from schematics called classes. Classes contain variables of data and methods that can perform tasks with the object or other objects. For a real-world example, a class called "cook" might have variables containing various cooking times and methods for chopping vegetables. Methods can accept data input and provide data output. When a method is programmed to accept different types of data for different occasions, this is called "overloading" a method. Overloading provides an easy way for methods to keep the same name but allow for different inputs. At compiling time, the application evaluates the input data and chooses which overloaded method to use. By overloading methods, a programmer can also keep a single name for a method despite type differences, which cleans up the code. How to Overload a Method Overloading a method in visual basic requires the addition of the keyword "Overloads" into the method definition. The keyword is placed in between the visibility call (i.e. public or private) and the function call (e.g. Public Overloads Function). Each different function definition must have the same name and a different number or type of input variable.

What is pointer overloading?

Pointer overloading is another name for polymorphism. You declare a class virtual and then derive some classes from it. You delare a pointer to the base class and, at run time, assign a value to that pointer that refers to any of the classes in the derivation hierarchy. Deferencing that pointer, then, will properly choose the correct method based on which type of class was used, at run time. This works because each class type that is virtual contains a static v-table of methods that is used to choose the actual method to use at run time.

What is the overridden in java?

Any time you have a class that inherits a method from a superclass, you have the opportunity to override the method (unless, as you learned in the earlier chapters, the method is marked final). The key benefit of overriding is the ability to define behavior that's specific to a particular subclass type. The following example demonstrates a Porsche subclass of Car overriding the Car version of the drive() method: public class Car { public void drive() { System.out.println("Generic Car Driving Generically"); } } class Porsche extends Car { public void drive() { System.out.println("Porsche driving Full Throttle"); } }