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Q: Is it possible to drink too much Palo Azul tea?
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When drinking palo azul how much do you drink?

Like you would drink anything else.

How much palo azul do you have to drink to clean your system of marijuana?

It takes about three to seven weeks to clear THC metabolites from your system, no matter what you do (or don't do). Heavy people take longer, as the fat cells store the metabolites. Flushing drinks like Palo Azul simply dilute your urine, hopefully enough to lower the concentration so that it is temporarily below the detection threshold. However, there are ways to determine if someone has been "water doping," and if one of those comes up positive it invalidates the test. Some agencies consider that a fail. Best plan: stop using and try to get past the first one. Then stay stopped.

Can you get done for drink driving 24hrs after last drink?

It depends on how much you have had to drink but it is entirely possible.

Is it possible to eat to much corn?

Yes, it is possible. If you eat or drink too much of anything you can die.

How much apple cider vinegar should you drink and how?

As much as humanly possible.

Is it possible to drink too much alcohol you can't remember breaking your collarbone?

Yes this is very possible.

How much can you drink on a five hour flight?

If you mean alcohol,as little as possible and if you mean water then as much as you can get.

How much is a half gallon of tarantula azul tequila?

about 50 bucks

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What can you do to get marijuana out of my system?

Drink as much water as possible. Use the dietary supplement called niacin.

Can you drink too much water in a day?

My friend, one can have too much of anything ! Too much water and you drown. Too much sun and you burn. Everything in moderation; your wonderful God-given body should tell you when it has had enough. Blessings !

If you smoke today is it possible to get clean in 4 days?

If you are talking about marijuana, yes it is possible, but also very possible you will fail as well. Depends on how much you smoked, your height and weight, and your body's metabolism. Drink lots of water up until the day of the test. Don't drink too much before the test or it will be diluted and considered a positive test.