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I think with yelling comes yes.

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It could be a blood pressure issue, or a reaction by your own auditory nerve, which receives the sound directly through your skull.

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Q: Is it possible to get a headache from yelling if so then why?
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Yes it is possible.

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It's possible you might be suffering from a type of headache often called Exertional Headache. For appropriate diagnosis and treatment, please see your physician or headache specialist. Because you keep hitting your face on the ground. Don't go so low.

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Just run the machine until he has worn down enough to pull out easily. I suggest you wear earplugs to protect you and your headache from the screaming.

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Yes, it is possible that smoking may trigger headache in susceptible individuals. For appropriate diagnosis and treatment of headache disorders, seek the help of a qualified and board certified Migraine and headache specialist.

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With hundreds of possible headache disorders to choose from, it is impossible to diagnose one over the computer. For an appropriate diagnosis and treatment of Migraine and headache disorders, seek the help of a board certified headache specialist.

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Please is the adverb form of the verb please. It's all in how you use it.Verb -- It pleases me to see him helping around the house.Adverb -- Would you please stop yelling? I have a headache.

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No, but a CT will help rule out some reasons for this type of headache. There are hundreds of possible causes of this type of headache. For best results, see a headache specialist.

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So you can tell the if you have a migrain or a headache

Is it normal to have a slight pain in your head for only a few seconds without it being any type of headache or migraine?

Headache is a symptom of pain in the head. Migraine is a disease which can include headache. It is possible to have short pain in your head, but that would be a headache - a symptom. For appropriate diagnosis and treatment of headache disorder and disease, please seek the help of a board certified headache specialist.

My brother Danny was fixing my car when he stubbed his toe on a wrench. He is now screaming and yelling very loudly. How can I stop him from yelling please answer quickly because he is getting louder?

You should take him to the hospital as soon as possible.