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Q: Is it possible to get pregnant while sex in ovulation time without using comdom but ejaculate outside and rest for several minutes and sex again?
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What does it mean when a man ejaculate in 3 minutes?

is when you ejaculate(shoot put sperm) in 3 minutes. you should try it its fun and amazing.

Are you pregnant if you dried your penis and then stuck it in your girlfriend 20 minutes later?

If you are pregnant, that will be news. Can she be pregnant? Possible. There are still going to be sperm in the penis. It only take 1 to do the job. Is it likely? No, Possible? Yes.

Is it possible to get pregnant by accidentally sitting on a condom within five minutes after it was used?

Probably no

If a guy ejaculated in you and you went to the bathroom 5 minutes later does that lower your chances of getting pregnant?

Absolutely not! As a matter of fact, this is how my husband and I conceived our child. A guy can ejaculate enough pre-sperm to actually get you pregnant best bets, use protection.

Do males get pre-ejaculate 5-10 minutes AFTER sex?

It depends

Can a 12 year old boy make a 17 year old girl pregnant if a sexual contact is for 5 minutes?

It is certainly possible.

Will a female get naked for someone when a doctor wants them to ejaculate a deposit of semen?

If a doctor asks you to ejaculate to get your semen, he'll most likely give you a playboy or hustler and leave you alone for a few minutes.

Can you get pregnant if he doesn't finish in you?

Yes, because sperm can come out before ejaculation. While it is less likely, there is still a chance that you can become pregnant if no other method of birth control was used.

How long should it take for a guy to ejaculate?

It varies. Anywhere from 1 second to 30-60 minutes, or longer.

Is it possible to get pregnant even when its just your fist time?

Well, since you asked this question 4 minutes ago, consider your new bundle of joy 4 minutes old. Congratulations. Oh, and watch out for fetal alcohol syndrome.

Pregnant women should avoid exercising over minutes?

30 minutes

Is it possible to get real abs in 30 minutes?

No, it is not possible to get real abs in 30 minutes. .