

Is it possible to grow a new teeth?

Updated: 11/17/2022
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14y ago

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No, you are born with all your teeth in there, they just shove down after awhile. The roots do grow, but, of course they do.

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Q: Is it possible to grow a new teeth?
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Why do your baby teeth fell out?

To let new teeth grow in.

When reptiles grow new teeth?

Reptiles grow new teeth throughout their lives. This is extremely common in reptiles like alligators and crocodiles, who frequently lose their teeth.

Do puppies grow new teeth?

Yes they do

Why dont my teeth grow after they feel off?

If you have already lost your baby teeth, then you will grow in adult teeth. However, the adult teeth are permanent; if you lose one, you will not grow in any more. You will need to get a replacement, if possible. Contact your local dentist office for your advanced questions on this subject.

Is there a saying about a child being born with teeth in their mouth?

that is possible because if the baby stays in the mums stomach for to long it might slowly grow teeth

Is this possible to grow teeth after 25 years of age?

Yes, Ihave and I will be 87 in less than a month.

Which teeth have 3 roots?

Yes, it is possible for a tooth to grow three times but it is VERY RARE! But when it does grow, it is called supernumerary teeth (supernumerary is one word!).

How do you grow new tooth in age 17?

You can not grow a new tooth. All your teeth are present at birth. Your first teeth come in while you are a baby but your second teeth are all ready there as small 'buds" ready to form and come in as you loose the first teeth. As you know, your last teeth do not come in until you are 17-20. Because they come in last and you are older, they are called wisdom teeth.

How big can your teeth grow?

Your teeth can grow up to 55cm.

Do cats lose their k-9s?

Kittens lose their deciduous teeth (baby/kitten teeth) at around 5 to 6 months of age, and the adult canine teeth grow in. Adult cats may lose these teeth due to injury or disease, and new teeth do not grow back.

Do peoples teeth grow longer as they get taller?

Yes, when children lose their first/'Milk' teeth they grow new teeth. Sometimes they all grow at once and get crammed up in their Mouth's they'll need braces, eventually - when they've lost around about all of their 'Milk' teeth they'll grow rather large molars at the back.

Do whales teeth grow back?

Whales have bristles, not teeth. So no their teeth do not grow back.