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Yes, you can have hepatitis and not have any symptoms, it depends on which hepatitis virus (because there are at least 6 different kinds) you have, you may develop a chronic infection Save

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Q: Is it possible to have hepatitis and not know?
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How do you know you have Hepatitis B?

A simple blood test can determine whether or not you have hepatitis B.

Can you get hepatitis from touching blood?

No. Hepatitis C is spread via blood-to-blood contact. So unless both persons have bleeding hands, the answer is no.

Is it possible to transfer the virus even if you're vaccinated with hepatitis B?

There is no vaccination available for hepatitis C as of early 2015.

IS there treatment of hepatatist-b in ayurvedic?

First its hepatitis-b not hepatatist-b Yes ! the treatment of hepatitis-b in ayurveda is possible. if more detail for hepatitis-b please visit us on

What does unspecified chronic hepatitis mean?

Chronic Hepatitis develops when an individual contracts the disease for the long-term. Unspecified Chronic Hepatitis means that, an infected person has a Chronic Hepatitis, but the doctors don't know what kind it is, whether it be Hepatitis A, B, C, D ect.

Are hepatitis and tattoos linked?

Hepatitis is spread via blood. If a tattoo needle is used on someone with hepatitis, then used on someone else without being totally sterilized first, it is possible to spread the infection to the other person.

Can you get herpititus b through saliva?

While unlikely, it is possible to contract hepatitis B through kissing. You cannot contract hepatitis C through kissing

Can gerbils give you hepatitis?

I don't know, but nasty humans can.

What is anitbody titer?

it is a test to know hepatitis b antibody

Can you get hepatitis c when you were pricked by a syringe containing urine from a hepatitis c ptatient?

It is possible to contract Hep C by contact with any Hep C contaminated bodily fluid.

Can you be donator kidney if you had hepatitis A?

If you had Hep A but are completely clear of it and your kidney's are in fully working order, then you should be able to donate a kidney.However if you currently have any form of hepatitis it is not possible to be an organ donor.