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Yes. Implantation occurs a week to ten days after ovulation, so implantation bleeding could take place at this time.


Yes I got mine 11 days after my period I think . I think I had sex when on my period OOPS

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Q: Is it possible to have implantation bleeding as early as at 3 weeks from last last menstrual period?
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Can you have implantation bleeding 13 dpo?

Yes. Many women experience implanation bleeding right around the same time as they expect AF. Implantation bleeding is lighter than a normal period, and you should still see an elevated BBT.

How do you know your having implantation bleeding?

It usually occurs about 7-10 days before the time for your period. It's usually light - sometimes just a dot. For me it was actually a pinkish orange color, for some it's brown. I thought I was getting my period early, but the odd color made me wonder, and then it stopped in a couple of days. I had been pregnant before, and had implantation spotting AFTER my period was due. It wasn't a viable pregnancy and failed about 2 weeks later.

Would a test be accurate during implantation?

Fertilization is when the pregnancy hormone hCG has begun production and this hormone is what is searched for by pregnancy tests (urine and blood). However, this amount can be very little and may be difficult for a urine test to pick up. You can get the best accuracy a few days after your missed period, but they (urine tests) can detect up to 5 days before the first day of your last menstrual period. There is hCG during implantation, so it does have the potential to be detected and accurate, particularly for blood tests which are much more sensitive than urine tests.

How do you know how long your luteal phase is?

Women have their luteal phase soon after ovulation is finished up to their first menstrual period. On average, women have a 14 days luteal phase. The normal luteal phase is 10-16 days. But if you want to get pregnant having 12 or higher luteal phase is ideal.

What new technologies existed to make the age of exploration possible?

Powered flight, sat nav, composite materials (carbon fibre etc). Depends which period of exploration you are talking about.

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Is it is possible to have an implantation bleeding on ninth day of your missed period just for a day?

is it possible to have implantation bleeding on ninth day of your missed period

What is can go wrong if you have implantation bleeding?

Implantation Bleeding After ovulation the egg travels into the uterus and burrows into the lining of the uterus. For some women implantation will cause slight bleeding or spotting. This is called implantation bleeding. This is sometimes confused for an early period. What does implantation bleeding or spotting look like? Implantation bleeding, also called implantation spotting, does not look like a regular menstrual period. Implantation bleeding is scanty and usually pink or brownish discharge. Implantation bleeding or menstrual period? Implantation bleeding normally occurs a week to a few days before your period would normally start. Spotting that occurs around a week after ovulation is likely implantation bleeding; whereas, spotting that occurs very close to the time that your period would normally start may not be. A normal menstrual cycle generally starts off light and then gets heavier. Spotting can sometimes be the sign of an early period. If this is the case, the spotting will pick up to heavier bleeding. If you have spotting right around the time your period would normally start, it can be more confusing. You will need to take the wait and see approach or take a pregnancy test to determine pregnancy.

Is it possible to have implantation bleeding in the time of your period?

yes it is ygtyutfrtyrytrytr

Last menstrual date was on November 15 but after scaning the menstrual date shows is on oct 15 what might had happened?

It is possible that what you thought was your period was either implantation bleed or light bleeding that can occur when the pregnancy hormones don't quite prevent some bleeding at the time your period is due.

Does decidual bleeding happen after implantation?

Yes, decidual bleeding, should it occur, happens after implantation. It is considered to be fairly rare. It is sometimes mistaken for a menstrual period by women who do not realize they are pregnant.

Is it possible to have implantation bleeding before a regular period?

Yes but I'm not sure about getting the period tho cause I had Implantation bleeding then 2 weeks later I got my period but then my periods started going in a pattern ever since after I had it Implantation bleeding. From Pink Princess

Implantation bleeding on the same day of the period?

Yes-- it's possible. It happened to me. If you ovulated 6-12 days before your period was due and the egg was fertilized, you could have implantation (and bleeding) on the day of your period!

Could a light pinkish discharge instead of a period be implantation bleeding?

Yes it can be a sign of implantation bleeding. If the bleeding is very light and not light a normal period than this could be implantation. Yes it can be a sign of implantation bleeding. If the bleeding is very light and not light a normal period than this could be implantation. Yes it can be a sign of implantation bleeding. If the bleeding is very light and not light a normal period than this could be implantation.

Is it possible to get implantation cramping without bleeding?

Period type cramping around the time a period would come is quite common, implantation bleeding is less common, so the answer is yes. answer There's no such thing as implantation cramping you can only get that if you ae bleeding as well

How long does implantation menstruation last?

Its not a menstrual its just bleeding or no bleeding and it take 2 to 3 days for completion...if its longer the egg did not attach..and you will have a early period

Is it possible to have implantation bleeding on ninth day of missed period?

Implantation bleeding is the result of the fertilized egg(s) implanting itself into the uttering lining which results in bleeding and occasionally abdominal cramping. This form of bleeding takes place six to twelve days after ovulation. ( A females ovulation generally takes place 14 days before her period). There will not be a large amount of blood, some women may not even notice any. Implantation bleeding only lasts a couple of days, this is the way to compare and contrast the difference between implantation and menstrual bleeding. You must keep in mind though that not everyone will experience implantation bleeding.

Is it possible to get period after implantation bleeding and still be pregnant?

I'm not sure I'm in the same situation I had Implantation bleeding 11 days after my period then 2 weeks after I got my period so I'm not so sure. I wonder If people who have periods while pregnant get Implantation bleeding right at the beginning Pink Princess