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A sentence must have a subject and predicate to be a sentence. The exception is when the subject is inferred.

"going to the sale" is not a sentence. It needs a subject. We are going to the sale. is a sentence.

Speaking to another person, "Stay here" is a sentence. The subject "you" is inferred.

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Q: Is it possible to have only a predicate in a sentence?
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The complete predicate is the entire verb or action of the sentence. The very is possible represents the complete predicate in this sentence. The word is denotes the simple predicate.

Is the word am a predicate?

A word by itself is not a predicate. A predicate is a portion of a sentence which can consist of one or more words. "Am" is a verb. It is possible that when "am" is used in a sentence that "am" will be the predicate of the sentence, for example: "Are you the chosen one? I am."

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There is no predicate. Why there is no predicate because the predicate is usually the verb then the rest of the sentence. so their is only an simple predicate which is move.

Is a sentence that lacks a predicate a sentence fragment?

Yes, if it doesn't have a predicate, it doesn't qualify as a sentence, only a fragment.

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The simple predicate of a sentence is simply the verb of the sentence. In this case, "made" is the verb, and therefore, also the simple predicate.

In English what words are needed for a sentence?

A sentence in English must have no less that a subject and predicate (Noun or pronoun and a verb). The shortest English sentence possible is, "I am." In this instance "I" is the subject, "am" is the predicate.

Sometimes called a simple perdicate?

The simple predicate is the key word in the predicate or verb part of the sentence. It is not the entire predicate because then it wouldn't be simple. The simple predicate in a sentence is also known as the verb or verbs. The simple predicate is only the main verb.

Can you give me an example of a complete subject and a complete predicate in the same sentence?

It is impossible to form a sentence without a complete subject and a complete predicate. Those are the two required constituent parts of any sentence. The subject is the simple subject and any of its associated parts, such as adjectives, and the predicate is the verb and any of its associated parts, such as adverbs and predicate objects. The shortest possible sentence in the English language is, "I am." The subject is "I" and the predicate is "am."

What is the simple predicate of this sentence The parade has started.?

A simple predicate consists of only a verb or verb phrase. In this sentence the verb phrase is -- has started

Which type of sentence structures needs only a subject and a predicate in agreement in order to be correct?

A simple sentence need both subject and predicate to agree to be correct.

When a writer writes only a subject or a predicate and punctuates it as if it were a sentence the result is a?

sentence fragment

When a writer writes only a subject or a predicate and punctuates it as if it were a sentence the result is a .?

sentence fragment