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Yes, it is possible.

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Q: Is it possible to having a prostate problem in the age of 26?
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Is possible to having a prostate problem in the age of 26?

Yes, it is possible.

Do Prostate cancer occurs in teenagers?

The incidence of prostate cancer increases with age, and though highly unlikely, it is theoretically possible for a teenager to develop prostate cancer. It is basically unheard of for a person under 35 to develop prostate cancer with under 0.1% of prostate cancer diagnoses. For the age group 35-44, the incidence of prostate cancer is about 9 per 1,000,000 men. The average age at diagnosis is 67.

At what age should one decide to get prostate cancer screening?

It is recommended by the Mayo Clinic website that a male between the ages of 40 and 75 are recommended by physicians to have a prostate cancer screening done. If one is diagnosed with prostate cancer then it is best to catch it as early as possible. More information on the process of having a prostate cancer screening performed can be found online at the Mayo Clinic website.

What age should you get a prostate exam?

You should have regular prostate exams starting around age 40

At what age should men begin having prostate examinations?

A man should start to get is prostate examined every year starting at the age of 40-45, if he is showing no symptoms of prostate cancer or prostate hypertrophy, such as urinary dribbling, urinary urgency, waking up in the middle of the night to pee, having difficulty starting or stopping his stream, or urinary retention. If he has any of these symptoms he should start to get his prostate examined earlier.

When is prostate cancer the most prominent?

The peak incidence for prostate cancer is 67 years of age, but a man's risk of developing prostate cancer rises with age.

At what age should men be concerned with prostate health?

Men, aged 50 and above, should be concerned with prostate health, although new thinking in the medical community suggests that men begin having checks as early as 30. A simple PSA test can screen for signs of prostate cancer.

Can you have kids at age 76?

yes if the person is having sex it is possible

What is the size of 'Prostate'?

The size of the prostate depends somewhat on age, but in general the prostate for an adult should be about the size of a walnut.

Can you get prostate cancer at age 25?

At age 25, the chance is very close to zip. If, however, you suspect that you have prostate cancer, please have it checked by an MD.

What is a prominent prostate?

A prominent prostate is a prostate gland that is enlarged. It is a fairly common issue for men who are age 50 or older. Since it could be a sign of prostate cancer, it should be checked by a doctor.

What is a psa count of 6?

PSA stands for Prostate Specific Antigen. The prostate is constantly renewing itself or growing. At the same time, the body is producing antigens to try to destroy the prostate as if it were a foreign body. The faster the prostate produces new cells, the faster the body produces PSA.. If there is a cancer in the prostate, the cancer cells are prostate cells, but they are produced much faster than normal prostate cells. As a result, when the man has prostate cancer, it can be detected by measuring his PSA. The PSA reading must be compared to the individual's normal PSA reading to know whether he has prostate cancer. When a prostate cancer is being treated, the PSA reading can be compared to earlier PSA readings to determine whether the cancer is receding or growing. A PSA of 6 is rather high and probably indicates there is prostate cancer growth.