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Constantsimtrouble: Yeah but it's not as cool. Turn on boolProp (boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true [open cheat window w/ ctrl+shift+c] and do it while in neighborhood) Shift select any sim and "spawn-Rooney's death creator" take control of the toddler or child (or, I bet infant too but that is for another post) that you want to kill and click on the tomb stone that should have appeared. Ta-da! Those screaming brats that are normally disposed of through the idiotic social worker can now die any way a teen or older can.

Happy sick-simming!

PS: It's not as cool as the older guys 'cus it's a cheat (A.K.A: IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TA WORK THAT WAY THUS THEY WOULD NOT HAVE MADE REAL GRAPHICS FOR IT) and the toddlers just kinda stand around then keel over.

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14y ago
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11y ago

It is possible to kill them. There are many ways that your sim can die and the way they die effects the colour of the ghost that they turn into. More information on Sim ghosts is available here and it also tells you the different ways that you can die.

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14y ago

Kind of. Prevent both parents from feeding the baby/ interacting with it. Then, when the child is about to starve to death a social worker will come and take the child away.

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Q: Is it possible to kill a toddler on the sims 2 double deluxe?
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