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My doctor told me after 7 weeks 2 days, if there is no heart beat then the pregnancy would not be viable.

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Q: Is a pregnancy not viable if no heartbeat is seen at 7 weeks?
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Viable intrauterine pregnancy?

Viable means alive (i.e. there was a heartbeat seen) Intrauterine means 'inside your uterus' (where it should be)

Can a baby be seen on ultrasound at 11 weeks without a heartbeat and be all right?

If the heartbeat is not visible at 11 weeks on an ultrasound, that would be cause for concern. The fetal heart begins beating approx. 22 days after implantation into the uterine lining. An ultrasound done at 6 weeks will confirm a viable pregnancy and you would be able to see the heart beating.

How do you know for certain that you are pregnant without using a pregnancy test?

If the baby's heartbeat can be heard, (around 8 weeks with a doppler) or if fetal movements can be seen. 24 weeks. A scan can also confirm pregnancy from about the time of a missed period.

At 6 weeks the seen heartbeat at 8 weeks no heartbeat and blood dropped Scan in 2 days Are you miscarrying?

At sixweeks the heart beat was retrieved. Some ultrasounds can not find the heartbeat of the baby til three or four months into a pregnancy. Usually when your miscarrying, you will feel abdominal cramping and usually clots of blood. Usually most women miscarry within the first 6 weeks, most woman who pass six weeks have a healthy pregnancy and baby. If you are concerned talk to your Doctor!

Which week of pregnancy can a primitive heart be seen?

18 weeks

When does the heart beat show on a ultrasound?

With my first child I was 7w3d when I had my first u/s. My second child I was 9 weeks. This coming Monday I will have an u/s @ 6w6d and hope to see a heartbeat. I heard from my Ob/Gyn that at 6w1d there should be a heartbeat noticeable on trans. vag. u/s.

When exactly does a babys heartbeat start?

The baby's heart starts beating between 5-6 weeks and can be seen on ultrasound.

How soon can you you hear your baby heart beat?

I saw my baby's heart beat via ultrasound at 14 weeks and 3 days

Is it possible to hear the heartbeat with a trans-vaginal ultrasound at 8 weeks?

We saw the heartbeat at exactly 6wks. My doctor was very excited, because she said that it is pretty rare to see it this soon. God Bless!

How soon can you hear a baby's heartbeat?

The baby's heart beat can be seen on an ultrasound at around 7 weeks, and if you are very slim MAY be heard on a Doppler from 9 or 10 weeks. Here is more advice and input: * Most Heartbeats can be heard by 15/16 weeks. * My doctor wasn't able to hear my babies until I was about 3-4 months pregnant. * It is most generally possible to begin to hear the baby's heart beat at the beginning of your second trimester, however sometimes it is possible to hear it a couple of weeks before or after these dates as well. It most likely depends on the size of the baby and how quickly it is growing in each individual person. I personally heard my baby's heart beat the first time at 14 weeks with my first, 13 weeks with my second and 10 weeks pregnant with my current pregnancy. * You can start to hear the babies heartbeat through ultrasound as soon as 6 weeks into your pregnancy! A Doppler can start to pick up a heartbeat at around 10-14 weeks into your pregnancy. A stethoscope can be used to hear the baby's heartbeat late in the pregnancy. * If you have an early scan it can be seen from about 6 weeks. If listening with a Doppler and you are very slim sometimes (not always) it can be heard from about 8 weeks. A midwife listening with a Pinard can hear it from about 22-24 weeks. * You may be able to see it on an ultrasound at about 7 weeks but unless you are very thin you won't be able to hear it with a Doppler until about 10 weeks, possibly later. Until 12 weeks the uterus is still in the pelvis and the heart is very small and the machine has to be pointed directly at the heart so the sound is reflected, unlike a microphone. * I heard my baby's heart beat at almost eight weeks and it was very strong :) I think everyone is just different it depends largely on your specific pregnancy

What is clinical pregnancy?

A clinical pregnancy is a pregnancy characterized by a situation when the fetal sac is seen in the uterus with an ultrasound examination four weeks after the IVF procedure has taken placed.

Can a gestational sac be seen in four weeks pregnancy?

About 3 or 4 days after a missed period.