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Yes. That is possible. Specially so when you have long and/or lingering periods.

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Q: Is it possible to ovulate four days only after the last day of your period?
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Is it possible to get pregnant if we get intercourse after four days of my period?

Yes. Sort it out mate.

You are on the nuvaring birth control you have only had it in for four days but you have had your period within those days Is it possible for you to get pregnant since you have had sex for three days.?

good new is you had your period meaning you are not pregnant.

When you only have your period every four months because of birth control do you still ovulate every month?

No, the point of birth control is so that your body will not ovulate so that you will not get pregnant. Your period is withdrawal bleeding, which is not the same as regular periods.

What days can you get pregnant out of one month?

For every woman it is different. If you have a 28 day cycle then typically you ovulate (release an egg) 14 days after the first day of your cycle. Then, we assume that four days before to four days after THAT day are fertile days. That is when a woman can conceive.

Can stress cause your period to come four days late?

Yes it can. Four days is not very much.

How are you 3 weeks and four days pregnant if your fiance ejaculated in you just 12 days ago?

Doctors start counting how long you are pregnant based on your last menstrual period. The thing is, you usually ovulate about 12 to 14 days after your period starts. So you are actually really only 12 days pregnant if the only sex you had in the past 3 weeks was 12 days ago; the doctor is just adding the time from your last menstrual period to now because the actual day of ovulation is not known.

What causes your period to be four days late?


Can a women get pregnant four weeks after period starts?

Four weeks would be near to the next cycle. Considering that the average woman has a 28 day cycle ( give or take a few days) this means on or about day 14 she would ovulate. In that time frame of day 12-18 she could get pregnant since sperm can live in the uterus for 5-6 days.

Can a period occur 4 days after the previous one?

No, a person cannot occur four days after the previous one. Menstruation is part of the menstrual cycle, it's simply not possible for your entire menstrual cycle to occur in just four days. If you're bleeding four days after the end of your last period it may just be the end of your period, mid-cycle bleeding, or the first bleeding may have been something else other than menstruation.

Is it possible that i was pregnant even if my hcg level was low four days after i think i miscarried at four weeks?

It is possible yes.

How long should period take to come after Provera 20mg for missed period?

Four days

Period was four days late arrived light but you have been feeling really sick and tired for a couple of weeks why?

It is possible that you could have mistaken your period for implantation bleeding. You should probably consider taking a pregnacny test.