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Q: Is it possible to rename a folder not a file it can be renamed in a directory structure using java?
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Which service is probably simplest to use if you want to move your webpages to a host server and maintain the directory structure?

You can reach this target with any web hosting service. Simply copy your directory structure inside domain folder.

Can a folder contain a directory and a file?

A folder is a directory. Folders can be inside other folders, and so can files...

What are subdirectories or folders?

Computers store data in a series of directories. Each directory, or folder, may contain files or other directories. If a directory is located within another directory, it is called a sub-directory (or sub-folder) of that folder.

How do you create a directory in Windows Vista?

A directory is the same as a folder. Go to Start>My Computer> go to the folder you want to make a directory in>click "New Folder" at the top of the screen (or right click and go to new>folder)>Name your folder>press enter>You just made a new folder!

Can files in a compressed folder be renamed?

Yes,there is a possiblity to rename a compressed folder

What is a directory in DOS?

A directory in DOS is like a folder in Windows: a collection of files.

Difference between root directory and subdirectory?

C:\ is the root directory C:\folder\ is sub directory

What command did you use to create directory?

mkdir this is the new directory command. or in kde/gnome right click in a folder and choose new folder.

When you create a folder are you creating a directory?


How is a DOS directory similar to a folder?

A "directory" in DOS is a "folder" in Windows Explorer.The terms are interchangeable, and some people call folders "directories" anyway.

Where the Active Directory held?

Active directory is held in the sysvol folder in the C drive.

What is recent directory?

A recent directory is the folder (or drive) that was accessed/used most recently.