

Is it possible to see the aura?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Yes, it is very possible to see the aura. I've done it myself.

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Q: Is it possible to see the aura?
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Do ghosts have aura?

Human beings have aura, and you can see it. But, ghosts are said not to have aura, because they are not alive, but when you see aura and it is not from you or any other human, then there is a ghost near by. Ghosts do indeed have aura.

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Well, It is possible. It's pretty much just like viewing someones aura.

What do you do if migraines do something to your eye?

A Migraine that affects your vision is usually a Migraine with aura. Aura usually lasts a short time (minutes to hours) and reverses itself when the Migraine resolves. An aura that does not resolve itself is a reason to see a doctor as soon as possible.

How do you use aura?

To use Aura you need to have the Ability to do it first. When you concentrate on the objects or things you MIGHT see an Aura.

How do you see an aura?

You follow the exercises :)

Is it possible to hatch a Riolu with Aura Sphere?

question is, is aura sphere an egg move? I don't think so. >It is an egg move

You can see aura outline but not the color its always clearwhy?

You may be trying too hard to see the aura with your physical eyes. The aura is visible primarily to the inner (spiritual) eye. You might see whether you can let yourself relax a bit, stop trying so hard, and see whether you feel an inner impression, thought or intuition of a color or quality.

What is the definition of aura?

==new answer== It is the expression of used energy. Everthing that exists emits an aura, even a rock or tree. A person with developed perception can see these eminations of used energy. We have seven level of mind with corresponding auras. It is possible to train to read the auras emitting from different parts of the body and mind to determine a persons health. An aura can be photographed using a kirlian similar defenitiond for the name aura is energy around you the English word is electrical forcefield

When did Aura-Aura Climber happen?

Aura-Aura Climber was created on 2010-02-22.

Is it possible to feel ones aura?

Yes, you can feel it just like an electromagnetic field. An aura is simply an energy halo that most living creatures and some non living objects posess. They are also possible to see without special equipment and may appear as a whitish outline.

What is a person's aura?

A person's 'aura' is said to be a field of energy that surrounds people. Certain people/mediums claim that they can 'see' Aura's. Aura's are very popular in forms of healing in New Age culture. If you meant " ora ", then that is something entirely different. (see Related Questions below)

How can you use your aura to take over objects?

You can't take over objects with your aura Is nor possible. The auta is the interpretation of youy humor condition. Like funny, mad, excited, etc.