

Best Answer

Sure. The technological ability to take humans there certainly exists, and with a

few more years of directed research and development, it might even soon become

possible to bring them back to Earth. But the cost to do that would be so large, and

the benefits so small, that there is no good reason to do it, no serious popular

campaign in favor of pursuing it, and no program underway with that objective.

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Q: Is it possible to space travel to neptune?
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Thanks. Don't mind if I do... Yay i can travel in space whooa

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Can you send a human to Neptune?

Considering that no human has been to Mars, so far, it seems a bit premature to talk about sending someone to the far more distant planet Neptune. However, the technology of space travel does exist (as proved by the 1969 moon landing) and if we were willing to spend the very large amount of money needed to build an interplanetary spaceship and to launch the mission, it is possible for a human to travel to Neptune. I will add that Neptune itself is not the kind of planet on which a human could land - it is a gas giant, made mostly of gas - but the moons of Neptune would be interesting to visit.

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Was there any space flights to Neptune?

No. The space shuttle merely orbits the Earth and isn't built for travel within the solar system. Even if it was, it would take at least a decade, at a guess, to get there.

Could a human land on Neptune?

It may be possible in the future, but today we are not able to travel that far.