

Is it possible to still be pregnant even if you got negative results?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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Home pregnancy tests rely on HCG levels in your urine. HCG is only something that pregnant women produce and the levels approximately double each day in early pregnancy.

Therefore it is possible that your levels are not high enough to register yet. Wait a couple of days and re-test.


Yes, it is possible if it was a home pregnancy test. If it was a blood test that was negative, then you definitely aren't pregnant. See your doctor for a pregnancy blood test. This is a highly accurate way of finding out if you're pregnant.



I have a 4 year old son that I got negative results with everything even blood. I had every doctor tell me that I wasn't. I went through my first trimester without ever knowing I was and should have just listened to my body. I now have a doctor that has told me that she delivered a baby for a lady that also had doctors telling her that she wasn't. It's not fun but yes it is possible.

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Q: Is it possible to still be pregnant even if you got negative results?
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Yes it is still possible. See a doctor.

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The negative pregnancy test is the defining answer, regarding pregnancy - once your period is a week or so late - if you are pregnant, the hCG will be high enough to be detected.

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It is possible you are pregnant but you may just have a "problem" so i recomend seeing a doctor or Vagina-cologist.

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It is possible (a false negative test result), but not likely.

Is it normal to be 6 weeks pregnant and take 5 home tests and they all be negative but still be pregnant?

if you have been confirmed as pregnant by the doctor - it is still possible in these early stages of pregnancy for tests to come back negative, i would check with the doctor to be sure.

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yes you can still be pregnant but it very unlikly however it is still possible if some test say positive and one come back negative its more lilkely for you to be pregnant as they are 99% accurate

Is it possible to have 3 negative pregnancy tests and still be pregnant?

well they arent 100% but i suppose you should consult your doctor..

I am having pregnancy symptoms and i did test twice it was negative?

It could be a 'phantom pregnancy' or the real thing. It's certainly possible to get a negative result and still be pregnant. If you're getting negative self-test results but you're sure you are - go see your doctor and ask him to do a blood test. He'll be able to do a far more accurate test.

If home pregnancy test negative can you still be pregnant and get your period?

No you can't be pregnant and still have your period. You can have a light bleed but not a period. As for the whole negative test thing, it could be a false negative.

How do you feel if you get period every month but still feel movement for the past 4 weeks?

Its possible to be pregnant and still have a period I did with my son for 5 months and he came out fine and u may have a negative pregnancy test and still be pregnant so I would go to the doctor