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It's not unheard of for Lung Cancer to spread locally to structures nearby such as the heart. It would make it's way in from the outside so getting to the Heart (or Pericardial) Sack first

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Q: Is it rare for lung cancer to spread to heart?
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Why heart does not affected by cancer?

Your heart can be affected by cancer. Its a rare form of cancer of the heart.Although heart tumors do occur, the vast majority of them are noncancerous (benign).

Was lung cancer in women rare before 1920?

why why why u dont need to know did you have it

How does angina affect the circulatory system?

Lung cancer reduces lung function (just before it kills you). The reduced lung function means there would be less gas exchange taking place, which means less oxygen getting to the body.

Where can one learn about small cell carcinoma?

Small cell carcinoma is a very rare form of lung cancer that has a very low survival rate. Someone can learn more information about small cell lung cancer from About, Wikipedia, or WebMD. Lung cancer organizations also publish information about small cell carcinoma, such as LUNGevity, the Lung Cancer Alliance, and the American Lung Association.

Is there a cure for heart cancer?

Most unfortunatly, no. But it is a rare disease.

Can you get cancer in the apex of the lung or lungs?

Yes, you can get cancer in the apex of either lung. They are called Pancoast Tumors and are a subset of lung cancer.Heart cancer is very rare and usually comes from other areas of the body. It may affect the apex of the heart.

How do you get lung cancer?

Lung cancer occurs when something stimulates cells in the lung or lungs to begin to multiply uncontrollably. The most common cause of lung cancer is smoking, although there are other causes, usually involving inhalation of foreign particles.What causes lung cancer? The biggest cause of lung cancer is smoking, approximately 36,000 people in the U.K. die from lung cancer every year, 90% of those lung cancer deaths are from smoking. If you are a non-smoker there is a risk that you can get lung cancer from passive smoking, though the risk is not as high than if you smoke yourself. Passive smoking could be responsible for several hundred, lung cancer cases every year. Another possible cause of lung cancer is exposure to certain chemicals and substances such as asbestos, radon gas and nickel, but this is very rare. Air pollution has also been suspected as a cause of lung cancer, but this has not been proved.

How long does a person live after lung cancer spread to the brain?

That means the cancer has spread. Lung cancer often spreads to the brain. This means the stage of the cancer has increased, the treatment has to become more aggressive, and the life expectancy decreases.

What ages does lung cancer effect?

Mainly 60+. Before 45 is very rare, and before 30 is unheard of.

What is adenoid cystic cancer?

Adenoid cystic carcinoma is a rare slow growing cancer. It is considered a head and neck cancer but can arise in other areas of the body. There are limited treatments for it because it is so rare. The most common areas of the body for it to metastasize to is the lung, liver and bone.

What kinds of problems does asbestos cause?

Asbestos can be the cause of:lung cancer (can be confounded with other environmental exposures),asbestosis ( today considered to be rare), andmesothelioma (cancer of lining of the lung).

What is DIPNECH?

The acronym DIPNECH stands for Diffuse Idiopathic Pulmonary Neuroendocrine Cell Hyperplasia. It is an extremely rare form of lung cancer.