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Q: Is it really hard for eyes for longer hours reading in iPad?
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Are non-prescription reading glasses really beneficial to my eyes?

If you have trouble reading then yes non-prescription reading glasses would be beneficial to your eyes. You may also consider gettng your eyes examined by an eye doctor.

Is reading too much bad for you?

No reading is really good for you, unless you need glasses and are not wearing them, because it will hurt your eyes

Has there ever been a cat that wore reading glasses?

No, not really, unless you put reading glasses on a cat, but that might damage their eyes.

Is reading on the bus bad for eyes?

to much reading is bad for your eyes. your eyes go back and forth for hours on end and then they get dried and you can loose sleep, get sick and then it can mess up your life. Don't read more then an hour a day

Is too much reading bad for the eyes?

To much reading is bad for the eyes.Your eyes go back and forward for hours on end and they get dried and you can lose sleep,get sick then it can mess up your life.Don't read more then an hour a day.

Which sense organ is used for reading-?

The sense organ that is used for reading are the eyes.

Why do reading glasses stop working?

because they get scratched or broken, or because your eyes change so the prescription is no longer effective enough to correct your vision.

Why is a computer not suitable for reading novels?

That's really a personal preference, but I guess the words are small and the fact that you're staring at a screen strains your eyes.

What are the different kind of reading?

the kinds of reading areScanning, Skimming, Recreatory Reading, Critical ReadingFour types of reading described by the University of Sheffield are:Skimming - running the eyes over quickly, to get the gistScanning - looking for a particular piece of informationExtensive reading - longer texts for pleasure and needing global understandingIntensive reading - shorter texts, extracting specific information, accurate reading for detail.the strategies you used when you read the novel were

What are the type of reading?

book mark and your eyes

Common practices that harmful to the eyes?

reading in the dark rubbing your eyes too hard .. :D reading and lying down while reading a book looking at the computer screen too long that all i get .. :)

How long does it take for your vision to get back to normal after getting your eyes dilated?

It differs between person. When I got mine it lasted about 2 hours.