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Aries- apr. 19- may 13

Taurus- may 14 - June- 19

Gemini- June 20 - July- 20

Cancer- July 21 - aug. 9

Leo- aug 10- sept. 15

Virgo - sept 16 - oct 30

Libra -oct 31 - nov 29

Ophichus - nov 30- dec 17

Sagittarius- dec 18- Jan 18

Capricorn- Jan 19- feb 15

Aquarius- feb 16- mar 11

Pisces - mar 12 - apr 18

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Q: Is it really true that the Zodiac Signs have changed for good and if so what are the new sign dates?
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Did the zodiac signs change because of the placement of the planets?

No, the zodiac dates have changed due to the progression of the equinoxes.

What is the new Zodiac?

The zodiac has remained the same. There are 12 signs used in the traditional western zodiac. Due to the precession of the equinoxes, the dates for the zodiac signs have changed slightly in comparison to their traditional tropical dates. Astronomically there are 13 zodiac signs, because the Sun also goes through the constellation of Ophiuchus for a few days between November and December.

Do star signs dates ever change?

It depends on what system of astrology one proposes to use. In the Western (tropical) zodiac the dates for the zodiac do not change; but also do not reflect their sidereal placements which have changed overtime astronomically die to the precession of the equinoxes. If one uses the sidereal zodiac, the dates will change according to the astronomical variation of the dates the Sun moves into different zodiac signs.

Can you see some zodiac signs?

Actually, you can see all Zodiac signs in the Western Zodiac. The dates on the Zodiac are when you can see them best, therefore being born "under" the signs.

Is it true that everyone's zodiac signs changed?

No. Your Zodiac sign is determined by the time (minute, hour, day, month, year) and the place (latitude & longitude) of your birth. (If you're wondering if your Zodiac sign has now changed - since the rumor in January 2011 that you'd be changing Zodiac signs - see the Related question.)

Why are the astrology signs changing?

There has been much speculation regarding the news that the Zodiac signs have changed. There will always be several schools of thought on the subject, but thus far, all professional astrologers I have contact with state that they have not changed.

Have some of the zodiac signs changed?

No, but the dates which you have to correspond your birth with have. So you may not be a if are an Aquarius and your child is born on the same day they may NT ne one.

What is the division between the Zodiac signs called?

Divisions in the zodiac signs are called cusps. People born toward the end dates of zodiac signs are often said to be born on the cusp between two signs, meaning they exhibit traits typical of both of those signs.

When did horoscopes change I was born in 1952 as a Scorpio now I am a Libra When did that change?

For those who use the tropical year, many of the zodiac signs have changed from their original dates due to axial precession.

What is the division called between the zodiac signs?

Divisions in the zodiac signs are called cusps. People born toward the end dates of zodiac signs are often said to be born on the cusp between two signs, meaning they exhibit traits typical of both of those signs.

What is the origin of horoscope dates?

Aries is the first sign in the zodiac, and its start date is March 21. This is the vernal equinox, and dates for all of the other zodiac signs shift accordingly.

What is zodiac differ from horoscope?

Horoscope is also known by many different names such as birth chart, base chart, wheel chart, sky chart, star chart, vision, etc. Therefore, zodiac signs and horoscopes complement each other but are not essentially interchangeable. Zodiac sign is the position of the sun on the ecliptic at the time a person is born.