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Well your bird must be STUPID and im not answering im chating yes NOW BYE BYE AND MY PUFFLE IS CALLED YARR AND IM ROCKHOPPER good now im hard to find STUPID

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Q: Is it safe for Bourke parrots to live in an aviary with budgies at mating time?
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I have 4 budgies and I was wondering if I should put the 2 mating budgies in a cage alone so that the other two won't bother the hen while she is nesting. Or is it better that the other 2 are there?

It depends on the behavior of your budgies. If they are aggressive or like to stick around by the 2 mating budgies, I would suggest separate them because the female won't be comfortable with the distraction of the other 2 budgies. However, if the other 2 rarely come by the 2 mating budgies or completely ignore them, I suggest keep the two there.

Do both genders of budgies have to be the same age?

Mating and living in the same cage does not require both budgies to be the same age.

What is the usual color of Kakariki parrots?

The usual color of Kakariki parrots is green, but there are some yellow parrots too, as a result of mating with other parrot species.

Why does your boy budgie jump on your girl budgies back?

I think its probably because the are mating........ Or it might be that they are both boys.

How parrots have babys?

They have babies by a girl parrot mating with a boy parrot

Are parrots asexual?

No. All birds are sexual creatures, reproducing by the male and female of the species mating.

When is the mating season for budgie parakeets?

budgies and parakeets dont mate they do not need a male to lay an egg so the answer is no season

When will your budgies start mating?

Budgies living in captivity may reproduce at any time of the year, if they are living in the same cage. Make sure to place a nesting box inside the cage, and DO NOT touch the eggs once they are laid. Parakeet eggs have a waxy coat on the shells which protects the chick from parasites.

When is quaker parrot mating season?

I don't know exactly when the mating season is all i know is that the baby parrots are sold in the month of may.

2 male budgies fighting over female?

normal. 2 males can live together. so can male+female without mating. but get rid of one. they may fight to death.

How do you get budgies to mate?

You will need a large cage or, aviary, at least 6 birds 3 males 3 females, you will need to supply a abundant supply of greens, and keep the temperature at 70 degrees Fahrenheit, no lower. Put plenty of vitamins in the water, and provide nesting boxes.Keep the cage (or aviary) clean, and replace food and water frequently. Provide a bath, and spray the cage, (love birds don't drink water directly from a pool, they normally lick it off of leaves) Also provide pleanty of fruit, (NEVER give them citrus or cabbage)

Do male and female Macaw parrots blush?

Most parrots cannot blush, as their faces are covered with feathers, and feathers cannot change colour. However, two species of macaw do blush - the blue and gold macaw and the Buffon's macaw - and this is because they have some bare skin around the face. This is part of the mating ritual, and a sign that the birds are excited.