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Q: Is it safe for urinary tract infection to be left untreated for 3 weeks as your PCP is doing although you lost one kidney to a UTI?
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Could a Urinary Tract Infection cause a Kidney Infection?

Not always. If a urinary tract infection goes untreated, it can progress into a kidney infection, but that does not always happen. If the infection is treated early enough, it can be stopped from getting worse and spreading.

If you have only one kidney and you get a urinary tract infection?

Yes. A urinary tract infection (UTI) is in the urinary tract, the passage to the outside of the body. If it gets bad enough, it can spread to the kidney.

How long do you have to have the urinary tract infection before you can die?

UTIs are usually treated well with antibiotics. They only turn fatal if the bacteria causing the infection spreads to the kidney and the bloodstream, but this only occurs if the initial infection is left untreated.

What sickness destroys the kidney?

Urinary Track Infection

Urinary Tract Infection leading to a kidney infection how do you sleep?

Poorly, I'd imagine.

What is meant by the term kidney infection?

Kidney infection is a general term used to describe infection of the kidney by bacteria, fungi, or viruses. The infecting microbe may have invaded the kidney from the urinary bladder or from the bloodstream.

What is wrong when a little blood comes from the urinary tract?

Urinary tract infection, kidney or bladder infection are top3 see your doctor ASAP

Does kidney wood cure urinary tract infection?

No go to the doctor.

What condition causes kidney infection hallucination crying fainting and stomach ache?

urinary tract infection

What disease found in excretory?

Kidney stones,urinary tract infection,nephritis,uremia,infection of the intestines

Can a kidney infection kill a cat?

Yes , renal failure from a urinary infection can be fatal if not treated by a veterinarian .

Why do you get a constant peeing sensation sometimes?

High blood sugar, urinary tract infection, bladder infection, kidney infection